The Međugorje Charismafia (and the Chrislam shell game)

More examples of the Gnostic “Catholic Charismatic Renewal” and the Satanic “Spirit of Vatican II” being used to shoehorn in overt occultism and formal Satanism with ecclesiastical authority knowingly covering it up.


(Diocese of Mostar, Archdiocese of Vrhbosna, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Balkans)

The case for why hearing me out is in your own best interest is this:
Whether I’M right or wrong, either way YOU can’t go wrong by doing research!

If you wish to know whether or not I speak the truth, do your own research. This will accomplish one of two things. Either
(a) you will have abundant evidence that I am indeed a deceiver as the organization kept drumming into you, because you will now be able to cite chapter and verse where my case rests on misquoted or misleading statements, in which case your faith will be stronger than ever because you will have valiantly faced the very worst criticisms that can be leveled at this organization in which you find yourself; you will finally manage to see with your own eyes that the detractors were wrong, which will afford you a more personal conviction for continuing now rock-solid in your faith. Or
(b) You will find out that it’s the organization that was lying to you, which will light your path to do something about it.

Lloyd Evans, Jehovah’s Witness exodist




members as of 25 June 1997:
Msgr Dr ✠ Frane Franić, retired Archbishop of Split and Makarska
✠ Pavol Mária Hnilica, SJ, Titular (Wandering) Bishop of Rusadir
Fr Tomislav Pervan, OFM
Fr Ivan Landeka
Fr Jozo Zovko, OFM
Fr Slavko Barbarić, OFM
Fr Leonard Oreč, OFM



No matter who you are, one of the following observations is bound to offend you: some keyword is sure to trigger you. This utilitarian blog post is a specialized tool intended as a fact-based discernment aid and pastoral guide providing a comprehensive look at the known and diligently contextualized facts of Međugorje (alt. Medjugorje) as they relate to one another and to the Church. I just want to help you to take a serious look at this, and then come to your own conclusions and decisions, and I hope that you will be blessed whatever you do.

Please, aside from your thoughts on Međugorje, join me in this heartfelt prayer before and after reading.

“Gospa’s” pattern of contradicting Gospel, Creed and other infallible Dogmas, paired with its overall gnostic and religiously pluralistic/indifferentistic tone, bears all the markings of Illuimined Freemasonry, specifically on such major Catholic matters as Jesus, Mary, the Church, and hell

If you don’t read any farther, at least be aware of the following statements selected from the alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) (the communications professionals prefer the looser terms visions and messages) at Međugorje and presented in a clear Q&A format. Assuming you are a Catholic you’ll surely find all of them to be undeniably blasphemous and otherwise heretical, statements with whose originator no faithful Catholic has any business consorting, regardless of their dazzling “fruits” (which should at any rate include, probably under the cons column, that this blogger had to explain the ABCs of Catholic Dogma to people who call themselves catechized adults), or big-name enthusiasts. For ease of discernment, I’ve grouped the alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) by topic, namely JESUS, MARY, THE CHURCH, and HELL:

  • J E S U S . . .
    trivializes Our Lord Jesus Christ who is fully divine (thus also trivializing the Sacrifice that hath wrought our salvation!)
    Point of dogma that Međugorje calls into question: Is Jesus of Nazareth completely God (both divine and deitous) and as such totally united to the Father?
  • Međugorje says no:
    ⚠️ “Jesus had a great desire for God” (“Our Lady” of Međugorje, Međugorjexplaining™◄29► how Jesus was able to pray all night long. Then again these are the same people who say God directs Muslim imams just as much as Catholic clerics. I would secondly suspect a Nestorian bent given the influence of the so-called “Society of Jesus” Churchwide).
  • The Church says YES:
    Jesus Christ (i.e. Messiah/Anointed Savior) is “Consubstantial with the Father” and as such is fully (and yes eternally and consistently) God in himself, fully subsistent and permanent, outstripping all created beings, literally the I AM (John 18:6), older than Abraham, greater than Solomon, a more uncompromising teacher of righteousness than Moses, and with nothing beyond his own Self to in any sense desire, yearn for, or seek, albeit condescending to seek and save the lost sheep of Israel and of humanity (Christians are the only remaining spiritual or in any way authentic Israel to be clear) out of pure love, that is solely for our benefit and not his own—what a mystery then that we should show our gratitude to Him Who worked our salvation by (seriously God help us) cutting his infinite glory down to our perhaps also infinitely foolish mortality (Nicene [i.e. Nicæno-Constantinopolitan] Creed, literally all Christians).
  • M A R Y . . .
    As with Jesus, Međugorje similarly trivializes the Blessed Virgin Mary who is also essential to our salvation!

    (even as they take “her” word over the orders of their own bishop ironically).
    Point of dogma that Međugorje calls into question: Is the Blessed Virgin Mary undividedly and unwaveringly surrendered to God and as such lacking nothing in terms of holiness, power or importance to God’s plan? and Does the Blessed Virgin Mary always affirm the authority of the Catholic hierarchy which her son established over all merely human aims?
  • Međugorje says no:
    ⚠️ “I do not dispose of all graces…Jesus prefers that you address your petitions directly to him, rather than through an intermediary like me” (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary by the now ex-Rev., ex-OFM alleged demon conjurer Tomislav Vlašić, in his Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje [Chronicle of the Apparitions?], p.181, 277–278);
    ⚠️ the now ex-Rev. Tomislav Vlašić, ex-OFM, asked sneering-lipped Vicka Ivanković (Mijatović) the following: “Do you feel the Virgin as She who gives graces [which is the traditional Catholic understanding of Mary as both Coredemptrix and Mediatrix of all graces] or [merely] as she who prays to God [true also, but the wording of the question implies a very incomplete, i.e. non-Catholic mariology]? Sneering-lipped Vicka Ivanković (Mijatović) replied Protestantly: “As she who prays to God”;
    ⚠️ “Forgive us our trespasses” (in the context of praying the Our Father which Our Lady of Fátima [approved and yet still non-binding] does not say; likewise at Lourdes the Blessed Virgin Mary keeps her lips closed during the entirety of the Our Father and Hail Mary prayers, reciting only the Glory Be and the Apostles’ Creed);
    ⚠️ “I will help you as much as I can (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose garments the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) have said even physically becomes darkly stained and grubby supposedly from the sins of the people reaching out to her and even occasionally stepping on her robe, which figures given that, as we just saw, Our Lady of Međugorje, unlike Our Lady at Lourdes or Fátima, prays “forgive us our trespasses” [as well as apparently also the Hail Mary prayers of the Rosary);
    ⚠️ A certain man is ordered either to disobey an in-person order by Jesus or incur global wrath effectively closing the period of Divine Mercy (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary by the sneering-lipped Vicka Ivanković [Mijatović] in her diary [found to be partially forged mind you] where it reads in absurdistically infantile and shock-oriented language to the effect of: We asked the Blessed Virgin Mary to corroborate a story told to us by a man who had approached our circle with the claim that while driving his sedan he had seen a man who introduced himself as Jesus standing in the street drenched in blood. The man calling himself Jesus had, our visitor was claiming, handed the man an also bloodstained handkerchief, instructing him to throw it into a certain nearby river. Going “on his way” (seemingly a characteristic posturing attempt at Gospel-ese at the expense of clarity but we assume they mean that he was headed toward the river), the man had then met a lady who, after introducing herself as the Blessed Virgin Mary, had requested the bloodstained handkerchief. Not wanting to disobey Jesus, the man had held out instead his own white handkerchief, but she merely repeated her request that he surrender the bloodstained one. When we brought this visitor’s account to the Blessed Virgin Mary she not only confirmed its truth but went from zero to sixty with her demand that we disobey Jesus: “If he had not given it to me, it would have been the last judgment for all”. Like the attention-fishing or shock-jocking plus the hatred of obedience just kind of well wow, but moving on);
    ⚠️ Jakov Čolo allegedly shook the Blessed Virgin Mary by the hand on her “birthday” (per Rev. Marjian Ljubić in The Virgin Mary is Appearing in Yugoslavia, p. 42).
  • ⚠️ The Gospa frequently “giggles”.
  • The Church says YES:
    “By the grace of God Mary remained free of every personal sin her whole life long. ‘Let it be done to me according to your word…’” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 493b);
  • “We define that the doctrine which holds the Blessed Virgin Mary at the first instant of her conception by a singular privilege of grace of the Living God in consideration of the merits of Jesus Christ the Savior of mankind was preserved free from all stain of original sin”. The Most Holy Virgin united with Him [Christ] by a most intimate and indissoluble bond was with him and through him eternally at enmity with the evil serpent and most completely triumphed over him and thus crushed his head with her immaculate foot (Pope Blessed Pius IX, 8 December 1854, Feast of the Immaculate Conception);
    “[T]he Blessed Virgin [Mary] is invoked by the Church under the titles of Advocate[ss] [Intercessress], Auxiliatrix [Helpress], Adjutrix [Benefactress], and Mediatrix (the DOGMATIC CONSTITUTION Lumen Gentium 62b, italics added. These classic Marian titles are the feminine form of Advocate [Intercessor], Auxiliator, [Helper], Adjutor, [Benefactor] and Mediator respectively).
  • Note of interest: Even though (as you have probably guessed by now) none of the alleged Marian apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) at Međugorje have had much if anything affirming to say about Mary’s status nor much less about the increasingly popular proposed Fifth Marian Dogma (see the above paragraph for an idea as to what it consists in), among other glowing claims of alchemical transmutations and the like, this blogger knows of one person who says that they went to Međugorje and there was inspired to promote among devout Catholics the above kinds of dogmas which this person (who may or may not be a heartless Catholic businessperson, I think we all know the type) furthermore claimed to know is in Pope Benedict XVI’s private office desk (says they have the protocol number) awaiting his signature which it will receive amid some future (apocalyptic) turmoil. (Update on 1/23/2023: Pope Benedict XVI has passed away, setting Međugorje back to zero.)
  • C H U R C H . . .
    As it does to Jesus and Mary Međugorje likewise trivializes the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church and its ordained hierarchy, and the gospel, credal, dogmatic and orthodox Faith which (again together with Jesus and Mary) are absolutely 100% essential for any solid hope of obtaining salvation!
    Point of dogma that Međugorje calls into question: Are the Church and the Faith required to mediate God’s work with humans?
  • Međugorje says no:
    ⚠️ “All religions are equal before God” (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, 1 October 1981, per the Chronological Corpus of Medjugorje [Chronicle of the Apparitions?], p. 317);
    ⚠️ “All religions are dear to me and my Son…The Muslims and the Orthodox, like the Catholics, are equal before my Son and before me: for you are all my children”; (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Rev. Marjian Ljubić in The Virgin Mary is Appearing in Yugoslavia, p.71; note that the Franciscans have almost exclusive access to many parts of the Muslim world, so that in prosaic terms a win for the Muslims is a win for the Franciscans);
    ⚠️ GOD DIRECTS ALL DENOMINATIONS AS A KING DIRECTS HIS SUBJECTS THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF HIS MINISTERS (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Rev. Svat Kraljević in The Apparitions at Medjugorje, p. 58; interestingly the Swedish prodigy-turned-spectrosexual [he put the romance in necromancy] Emanuel Swedenborg, whose writings [together with others of Egypto-Freemasonry of course] disregard Acts [seem to have been heavily leaned on by the founders of many major American cults a century later, wrote in the 1700s: We know that there are within us not only the parts formed as organs from blood vessels and nerve fibers—the forms we call our viscera. There are also skin, membranes, tendons, cartilage, bones, nails, and teeth. They are less intensely alive than the organic forms, which they serve as ligaments, coverings, and supports. If there are to be all these elements in that heavenly person who is heaven, it cannot be made up of the people of one religion only. It needs people from many religions; so all the people who make these two universal principles of the church central to their own lives have a place in that heavenly person, that is, in heaven. They enjoy the happiness that suits their own nature [Divine Providence, §326]);
    ⚠️ “Each one’s religion must be respected, and you must preserve yours for yourselves and for your children” (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Rev. Svat Kraljević in The Apparitions at Medjugorje, p.68);
    ⚠️ “You cannot be a Christian without respecting others be they Muslims or Orthodox. In God there are no religions nor divisions; it is you in the world who have created divisions” (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary by New Age Jesuit and Teilhard de Chardin enthusiast Rev. Robert Faricy, SJ, in Mary Speaks to the World, p.51 [de Chardin was a tragic again Evolutionism/Dispensationalism/Mormonism–influenced “evolving God” obsessive who was fictionalized in the character “Father David Telemond” in the 1986 film The Shoes of the Fisherman based on the 1963 book by the same title]);
    ⚠️ The holiest person in the village is a Muslim woman named [Koskin-Mehmed] “Pasha” whom the tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children” are counseled to imitate for her humility and sincerity of faith (said to be attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary within official Međugorje documentation: source unfortunately unknown and earnestly requested);
    ⚠️ between August 1984 and April 1985 the apparitions continued to take place in the parish church in open defiance of the Bishop of Mostar’s clear proscription (one of the most helpful signs you could ever ask for that an apparition or other prophecy is false, just under if its predictions fail to come to pass [which we also have in Međugorje], is if the apparition itself disobeys Church authority);
    ⚠️ The Christians who come to church without preparation, without communion, without an act of thanksgiving after communion, it would be better if they didn’t come (said to be attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary within official Međugorje documentation: source unfortunately unknown and earnestly requested);
    ⚠️ Bishops and even sometimes religious superiors need not be obeyed by the Franciscan priests who vowed obedience to them, but those same scandalous and disturbing friars are themselves to be obeyed (said to be attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary within official Međugorje documentation: source unfortunately unknown and earnestly requested);
    ⚠️ “I recently asked the Virgin this question [whether many souls are damned], and she told me that nowadays most souls go to Purgatory” (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Mirjana Dragičević [Soldo] according to New Age Jesuit and Teilhard de Chardin enthusiast Rev. Robert Faricy, SJ, in Mary Speaks to the World, p. 64; this heresy is ecclesially classed as near-universalism);
    ⚠️ in January 1982 the Blessed Virgin Mary is alleged to have given two Franciscan priests who had been removed from their order and placed under suspension by their bishop, one of whom was later found to have fathered a child by a nun, “her” permission to say Mass and hear Confessions (curled-lipped “Sneering Seer” Vicka Ivanković [Mijatović] was asked “If the Lady said this, and the Pope says that they cannot—” a now visibly defensive Vicka shot back with an unhinged sort of Jezebelligerence™: “The Pope can say what he wants; I’m telling it like it is” [or rather in hindsight like it clearly wasn’t], per Bishop Pavao Žanić).
    ❚❚ Now let’s just freeze frame and unpack this last one for a moment. “THE POPE CAN SAY WHATEVER HE WANTS.” In other words, that out-of-touch man (who it’s probably safe to say wasn’t pro-mob) can say all sorts of different things, but only Vicka Ivanković (Mijatović) is reliably telling us the truth. As if the Pope merely spoke for himself. As if the Pope spoke without a flicker of apostolic authority. As if the Pope’s words did not command the immediate reverential obedience of all Catholic ordained clergy and professed religious. As if the Pope were completely unreliable in matters of Church discipline. As if the Church on every level were merely a free-for-all where the best con artist wins. But how can we doubt that this aptly summarizes the worldview of this eldest of the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) of Međugorje, the worldview of manipulative mafiosi who are used to throwing their weight around exactly as Jesus told his disciples not to do and parodying all that is Church for their ultimately undeniably exploitative ends? They are without doubt the satans and anti-Christs of the world, and God is not mocked, and his holy angels avail this blog post unto the day of their long-awaited reckoning and that of all crypto-heathen. Amen.

Take a moment now to appreciate the fact that the only conversion Međugorje encourages is that of their local ordinary (and secondarily everyone else) to believing in the messages. Medge-heads are literally the Chabadniks of Catholicism. So how anyone calls this “Catholic” rather than “cult” is frankly anyone’s guess.

Malachi Martin, exorcist, actual prophet and open critic of the excesses of Vatican II, says “Međugorje is a Satanic hoax” offering the following three reasons:
1. Its “seers” don’t submit to the Church.
2. Its “messages” promote religious indifferentism.
3. Its seers’ “trance state claim” has been disproved.
This may help you remember what is going on with Međugorje:

  • The Church (brace for impact) says YES:
    “Outside the Church there is NO salvation” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 845b, caps added);
    “You MUST believe in the Trinity to save your soul” (Our Lady of Fátima, caps added), and these first two quotes seem to make it inconceivable for either Holy Mother Church or the Blessed Virgin Mary (even though there have obviously been some minor backwalks of papal teaching) to sign off on anything that refers to the one true God of Jesus and of the disciples thereof as having some kind of simultaneous command over imams, rabbis, Rasputin, Jesuits, etc., and perhaps a key point that Medge-heads are dying to hear is that the virtue or vice of my faith as well as of my obedience depends greatly if not entirely on to which “lord and master” I am “disciple and servant” (bearing in mind that it is always the superordinate that should serve the subordinate and the clergyman that should serve the layman—and that abjectly!) both immediately and ultimately with hierarchical layers which are themselves no greater in number, in secrecy, or in oppressiveness than is absolutely necessary (see also the Catholic-ese term for localism, which is subsidiarity);
    “The Sunday celebration of the Lord’s Day and [of the Lord’s] Eucharist is at the heart of the Church’s life. ‘Sunday is the day on which the paschal mystery is celebrated in light of the apostolic tradition and is to be observed as the foremost holy day of obligation in the universal Church’” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2177). What may be a more serious sin than failure to report for the obligatory Masses is knowingly attending Mass presided over by a disobedient (apart from heresy-promoting) priest. (Question for discussion: Are we dealing with willfully disobedient men or simply mindless lemmings of Our Lady of Međugorje who both teaches and exemplifies disobedience to Christ’s earthly reps and even directly to Christ Himself?) Either way, religious indifferentism, which Međugorje is constantly spouting, since it implicitly condones all heresies, is incomparably heretical quo pandoxical.

If this blogger were to be perfectly honest, there are many women who he has witnessed to express themselves with a tone, spirit and content similar to the ones in which the alleged Apparition of Međugorje speaks. But none of those women were ladies, and certainly none were Our Lady who though she occasionally had pure-hearted questions for Our Lord continued along the path of perfect obedience and the inward, upward, and rightward path to perfect union with God.

  • H E L L . . .
    As with Jesus, Mary, and the Church, Međugorje trivializes eternal afterlife punishments!

    Point of dogma that Međugorje calls into question: In terms of the torments of hell, do they vary from soul to soul and do they continue unabated for eternity rather than say regress toward a limbonic mean for a meh eternity?
  • Međugorje says no:
    ⚠️ “The souls in hell eventually become comfortable” (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary** per Michael Voris of Church Militant in the video just below this section);
    ⚠️ All sufferings in hell are equal (attributed to the Blessed Virgin Mary per Michael Voris of Church Militant in the video just below this section).
  • The Church (which is unilaterally skeptical of all but the earliest alleged Marian apparition-locutions [ecclesially classed as private revelations] at Međugorje) says YES:
    “[I]t shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment, than for [Corozain and Bethsaida]” (Jesus of Nazareth in Matthew 11:22b and again in Luke 10:14b [D–R]);
    “The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1035b).
  • Note: Riddle me this, Batman. The late great Dr Eugenio Scalfari was an Italian journalist, a Member of Parliament, the founder of La Repubblica (who as the Seattle Times eulogizes “revolutionized Italy’s journalism”), and described his earlier self as “young, happy and fascist” prior to exchanging this label for “socialist” (read lifelong fascist and socialist I’m pretty sure) and apparently was always an atheist. (?) It is common knowledge that this Dr Scalfari was a long-time friend (draw your own conclusions) to Jorge Bergoglio, SJ–turned–Pope Francis a.k.a. “the Panchapapa”. In the past Dr Scalfari has informed us that the Panchapapa allegedly told his more straight-shooting com-rad that 2% of clergy were devils who preyed on children (although, as you can imagine, the words of the Panchapapa, who had ridden into Rome on a wave of child predator cover-ups and who has even worn vestments that are a dead-ringer for an FBI-identified “boy lover preference” symbol (namely the overlapping triangular spiral), were much more sympathetic toward these monsters and therefore less sympathetic toward their innocent young victims). Dr Scalfari has also told us that the Panchapapa expressed his similarly childhood development-sabotaging goal that all adulterous (divorced/remarried) Catholics who asked would be admitted to Holy Communion. According to Dr Scalfari, whose career was built on selectively targeting “the right”, Pope Francis expressed in the course of their frequent interviews (!) the Jesuit pope’s personal position that hell did not exist (in the sense of annihilationism a.k.a. conditional immortality), that Christ was not divine (nor even godly, at least not while he was on earth), and that there was no resurrection other than of a ghost, all three of which, circling back to the topic of this post, sound suspiciously like two if you will end-stage Međugorjean (again annihilationist and Nestorian respectively) teachings. (Sidebar question: What do the Jesuits believe, and how much sway to they hold over the thoughts of say USA Catholics?) The reader will further note that the Vatican has never directly gainsaid these quotes that Dr Scalfari attributed to the Panchapapa, nor much less has Rome bothered to clear the air on the Panchapapa’s Catholic orthodoxy. Scalfari for his part never retracted (protip: make a habit of reading the fine print, folks) but rather maintained as factual until his dying day that yes the Panchapapa had indeed spoken these two (well four) very un-Catholic but also perhaps very sneakily Judeo-Jesuit heresies to his arch-leftist “compagno”. Nor has the Vatican ever been able to cite even just one example to justify their libelous slur that Dr Scalfari was in the habit of quoting his interviewees in some kind of Italianly free-spirited manner lest we be able to pin down where the good doctor supposedly elaborated on one of his stories, but the Vatican bugger-ocracy has chosen instead to dig itself an even deeper grave (well in the eyes of any actual critical thinker who nonetheless somehow still bought into the Panchapapa papacy at that point) by painting Scalfari as a comedian rather than the leftist statesman and world-revered editor-in-chief that he was who was simply not known for going after (real) fellow-leftists. As one eye said to the other, “just between us, something smells”. Smells like soulless careerism to me! Scalfari (a lifelong radical but perhaps for the first time sensing that he had now finally stepped into something sticky) in his response went no farther than to say non-specifically that some of his quotes were heard second-hand, which is not the same as the Vatican’s libel that would have you believe that Dr Scalfari was given to misusing quotation marks on “personal and free interpretation[s] of what he heard”. The Vatican today is a hot mess these days, ostensibly the pangs of a Chrislamic New World Religion. Yet I digress, so now we return you to Međugorje already in progress.
Another home run by veteran stem-winder Michael Voris!
The gnostic serpent that eats its own tail.
The real messaging here is that we must become Freemasons or die.


Međugorje’s overall tone is one that favors a Freemasonic or an Illuministic system of values to include discrete pluralistic polyreligonism where each major/organized/respectable sectarian grouping is said to be (as Pope Francis has said, who also has a track record of downplaying the reality of Jesus, of hell, and of the rest) all part of the will of someone or some thing they call God (not yours and mine rest assured), and hence their “Gospa” is more like the hermaphroditic Goddess of US–Constitutional Liberties. As Teresa of Kolkata famously said (quoted in her bio-flick Mother Teresa of Calcutta apparently channeling the late Sathya Sai Baba), “A Christian should be a good Christian. A Hindu should be a good Hindu. A Muslim should be a good Muslim.” Oh really? And what about a Satanist? Crickets.

And note that Mother Teresa as well as Our Lady of Međugorje, both of whom have clearly manifested their religious indifferentism (see above), have had the same international money-hounding Jesuit handler, the wandering bishop Pavol Mária Hnilica, heavily involved in their lives. Overall, Hnilica seems like a guru on how to steer “private revelations” to sort of intravenously feed Freemasonry- and Saint Gallen-compliant heresy into the Church. Hnilica is, by all appearances, that shepherd who won’d enter through the gate since the sheep would know better than to eat what he is trying to feed them; they might even charge if they saw his true colors. That’s where Vatican II–level sneakiness comes in, and that’s where Charismatic “order through chaos” comes in. True mariology is beautiful precisely because it is simple and sobering and grounded (LITERALLY HER FEET OUGHT TO BE VISIBLE AND CRUSHING THE SERPENT), but that isn’t what Međugorje is, we all know it, and I’m just saying it. Another pattern with Hnilica is that, whether it’s the Međugorje visionaries or the “anonymous” author of the triumphalistically titled devotional In the End My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph: Consecration-Preparation for the Triumphant Victory of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (apparent author Theresa Antonia López once famous at the Mother Cabrini shrine in Golden, Colo., with signed painter Stanislav “Stano” Dusik and prefaced by A REVEREND “FR DOMINICK MARIA” WHOM LITERALLY NO ONE HAS EVER HEARD OF) everyone this Jesuit bishop has worked with depicts Mary as having her feet covered. (I mean for Pete’s sake, it’s not like I’m over here telling you there are hooves, but since you brought it up yes there are hooves.)

And so no just because you “feel strengthened” in what you’re willing to settle for as “your faith” or your institutionalism (eerily similar to the illusion under which our “politically correct” / “woke” culture labors) that only means in context that this is an almost inconceivably devious trap laid by Nazi collaborators (again more religiously indifferentistic and better at brainwashing as well as higher-tech than many suppose) most likely using some of the same propaganda techniques their Axis masters taught these Ustaše minions. But try to be patient: more on “Catholic Charismatic Renewal Retreats” is coming!

A fool and his money: a short history of “divine wrath abatement schemes”

  • Money changers (Jerusalem)
  • Idol pantheon (Mecca)
  • Indulgences for “alms” (Wittenberg)
  • “The continuation of Lourdes-Fátima” (Međugorje, public outcry still pending)

Please take a shot at trying to appreciate for yourself the parallels between those “German National Socialists” and these so-called “Queen of Peace” “prayer warriors”

  • Their claims to legitimacy are based entirely on the premise that they are opposing the Communists (that is, it rests on a political and not a spiritual principle).
  • They clearly exhibit a mastery of infernal magic and secret society affiliations by the ways in which they tweak the host-religion.
  • They appeal primarily to women and to compromised men.
  • Their ambition for which they will work tirelessly and keep repeating the same mantras over and over and OVER and over is total social control.
  • They are wolves sent to control the chaos by the same people who create the chaos, i.e. controlled opposition.

So for the reasons mentioned above, Međugorje in its entirety must never, can never and will never enjoy Rome’s approval. In lieu of this, the nominal and edifying process would unfold in the following manner: the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators), following a conditional exorcism if it is determined that there is some possibility that the alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) could be infernally authentic rather than merely human in their source, will need to continue to completion the process of handing over to their bishops as well as to their pope ALL diaries and other chronicles, recanting ALL errors, repenting of ALL sin and scandal, and lastly naming ALL of their ringleaders, present as well as past. Quite aside from their unconditional necessity, these steps will most likely have the added benefit that they will result in further salutary excommunications as they already have in the case of Tomislav Vlašić. Once all of that has been accomplished, the opportunity presents itself that as many as comply will again be on the road to achieving a state in which heaven, much less ecclesial servanthood status, is on the radar screen for these adolescent so-called “children” who to be clear at no time even remotely preceding the age of reason claimed any apparitions, much less locutions. Much the same would be required of any friars, laypersons, and ranking members of the Catholic hierarchy who, knowingly or unknowingly, have abused their respective charisms to sow heresy far and wide. The agenda of the flesh has obviously had its day in the sun and its fun at the expense of Christ’s bride. But done is done, and we must, can and by God’s grace will get back on the same page of our missals with heaven lest we be shams, frauds and devils in the eyes of man as many already are in the eyes of our one true God who looks primarily at the heart, at the love therein. The window for hopping off that fence is fast closing. (For more metaphors, read the parables, read the Gospel: it’s all there, nothing new under the sun when it comes to those identifiers that reliably signal and track iniquity.) God is not mocked, these tacky 1970s churchfairy parlor tricks are in their golden years, and it is once again “time for the Lord to act”!

Camera B. I find it very enlightening (one might even say illuminating) to note the reasons why the occultist Freemasons and their idols the racialist Rabbinists are motivated, in the context of their own current ambitions, to leverage their often subtle, occasionally violent, always ritualistic influence to inject a so-called Spirit of Vatican II and the Charismatic Renewal (all of them to a man believers in something like a theological “evolutionary theory”) into the bloodstream of Catholic culture. (The Spirit of Vatican II may be summarized as avoiding anything that might offend even the most liberal of our separated brethren [Freemasonic Grand Master’s orders no doubt], which if you really think that through ends up meaning that we have to tolerate everybody and CEASE ALL EFFORTS TOWARD EVANGELIZATION [PARTICULARLY OF FREEMASONIC AND ESPECIALLY B’NAI B’RITH TYPES WHO ARE ROYALTY IN THE OCCULT GLOBALIST TRIBE] AND TOWARD REAL CATECHESIS [I.E. DOCTRINAL CLARITY], so just give that a moment to sink in. As for the Charismatic portion, one need only read all of Blessed Paul’s two letters to the Corinthians to learn of the corruption and toxic gossip environment that generally attends “anointing-manic” communities, Wesleyan Holiness/Pentecostalism/Charismaticism [itself together with Dispensationalism very much theologically upstream of Mormonism as one delves into American history!] has a way of bringing the sociopathic grifters right out of the woodwork.) Of course we can see on the surface that these are two things that the “poor”/”humble”/”simple” Franciscans have been frantically pushing in any parish that lets them in the door. Very simply put, underhandedly seditious subcultures understand the subtle power of glorious, reverent “rote” ceremony and of a strong and vocal belief in the traditions of one’s group. And they certainly prize the character trait of self-control in their own “brethren”. They constantly exhibit measured movements and discretion (the hidden hand, the hushed lips) in everything they do from their windowless lodges to their high-profile assassinations. And so it makes sense that they would join forces with “poor”/”humble”/”simple” (spineless, neurotic, narcissistic, garden variety deep state plants) Franciscans to make use of the Order’s optically Christlike persona as a vehicle to transfer all of that pomp and circumstance from the church into the lodge with most laypersons being none the wiser. In the minds of these inwardly primitive oligarchs, many of whom honestly are probably only radicals because they are constitutionally incapable of executing a productive role within civilization, Catholics must never speak of Triumph or Victory any more than (self) Sacrifice or Purity, all of which produces a consciousness within which Freemasons and Talmudists have almost insurmountable difficulty infiltrating and hypnotizing the populace which would allow them to continue to advance with their curses and other spells. And whether or not you believe in the efficacy of their many Wiccanisms (I believe them to be of relative power more or less as I’m describing), the fact remains that the rich and influential cliques surely do believe—and that devoutly! And the clear implication is that these Satanic witches don’t want you having strong beliefs or morals because these resist the power of their quite high or ceremonial magic. Be healthy and holy!

“Be you humbled therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in the time of visitation: Casting all your care upon him, for he hath care of you. Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist ye, strong in faith: knowing that the same affliction befalls your brethren who are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us into his eternal glory in Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a little, will himself perfect you, and confirm you, and establish you.”

1 Peter 5:6–10

We must see the big picture, we must see the kingdom, or there’s little point to any of this and all we’re left with is an empty cathedral just waiting to be deconsecrated and demolished.

Here’s a picture of what a Franciscan isn’t

The following video is in Portuguese (the language of Fátima), but I post it due to its clarity and light-heartedness:

“A joyful mind maketh age flourishing: a sorrowful spirit drieth up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22, D–R)

Blogger’s comments: Whoever or whatever this Međugorje messenger is, we can’t help agreeing that it has good reason to pray all the prayers of the Holy Rosary thus begging God the Father of mercies for forgiveness since, if nothing else, this often visibly unclean spirit is teaching heresies (as well as disobedience as we’ll see) to tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children”—in all apparent probability sending them barreling down the road to hell—while impersonating her who gave birth to God the Son! In a twisted way, these again formally and manifestly heretical attempts at softening Catholic Dogma may signal the rogue Franciscans’ twisted sense of balance, their misguided attempt at atoning for the frankly unimaginably petty and cold-blooded acts of sectarian as well as racist violence by their elder brothers (certainly their very religious superiors!) during WWII. The feeling is that we are looking at, by analogy, sloppy or botched exorcisms that end by attracting more demons (Cf. Matthew 12:43–45 or Luke 11:24–26)?

According to actual 🤨 Catholic Church teaching (and directly contrary to the demonic misquote of Pope Urban VIII that is discussed toward the bottom of this post—one of a well-established pattern of misquotes so mindlessly spread by Medge-heads ever desperately angling for authority), according to actual 🤨 Catholic Church teaching, if you don’t believe in Fátima you are still equally eligible for heaven, but if you believe in Međugorje then you can in no wise be eligible for heaven, since MEĐUGORJE’S “MESSAGES” HAVE EFFECTIVELY DECLARED OPEN SEASON ON THE THE VERY HEART OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH CONCERNING THE ESSENTIAL NATURE OF JESUS, MARY, THE CHURCH, AND DIVINE JUSTICE. Hence when you’re an actual 🤨 Catholic you hold fast to the knowledge that it is always better to err on the side of reverence rather than reaction. “Fools rush in where angels dare not tread.” People who follow Međugorje are either gleefully instigating scandal or have lost their minds, and the first step in deescalating them is to discern which type of person you are dealing with—which end of that whole codependency pool if you will—so that you can apply either public denunciation or merely good old-fashioned tough love to each case.

Okay, now you’ve read the obligatory parts of this article. The rest is bonus features. Even if you do intend on reading on, I ask: if you learned anything that you think could be potentially soul-saving, that you pause right now and share this article with your friends, family, fellow-parishioners and fellow–prayer group members. Thank you.

A discussion that’s much calmer than the blog post that follows!

Now for our AP class let’s start with some social context. In understanding how this insulting travesty ever got off the ground, one has got to come to terms with the fact that Croats today (essentially the hillbillies of the Slavs) are largely cultural “Catholics” and that in addition the friars who tightly supervise the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) are unscrupulous to say nothing of lawless opportunists and as such unequivocally not good shepherds. These alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations), which are openly planned through human scheduling (usually at around 6:40pm local time [internationally 18.40] these days among the three still claiming to receive heavenly visits) and therefore more like séances than what one normally terms “apparitions”, are tightly controlled by the local (mis?)representatives of the Franciscan Order as we will be seeing, and so nowhere in the process is there concern for orthodoxy, which of course elegantly sums up the first section of this post. Indeed, when taken together, the obvious agenda behind these openly anti-Evangelical “apparition-locutions” would seem to be one of blunting or softening those more challenging of Church teachings and therefore also the blunting or softening of Rome’s apostolic authority. Now in defense of Gospa devotees (hereafter Medge-heads) all of this may very well register as acceptable to the undiscerming ear when under the trance of disinhibiting “Catholic Charismatic Renewal” human experimentation techniques (plus what drugs?), and thus the goal of these mesmeric methods comes into view. The operative psychology here is very much that of Islam or Mormonism◄01► (if you were to picture a triumphalistic fantasy-RPG designed for the Religious Right of the Baby Boom generation). All of this shows the Međugorje message to be a canny pivot for the friars given that Islam, as a cursory study will show, lacks both the administrative centrality and the theology of exclusivity that Catholicism teaches, precisely what Međugorje seems determined to drive out of the minds of the faithful.

…which only serves to make these “easy, breezy, evasive/escapist quotes” from high-caliber Catholic clerics that much more alarming…

“Servant of God” Hans Urs von Balthasar said:
“Everything concerning Međugorje is authentic from a Catholic point of view.”

This “tie-noosed priest” literally said (Hegelianly) that there are no completely truthful statements either in Scripture or anywhere else and that all Catholics are “obliged” to “hope” that all men are saved because (apart from the total lack of truthful statements that von Bathasar posits) Jesus chose to remain ignorant and spread misinformation (two things that would seem to describe von Bathasar infinitely better than Our Lord!). And now von Balthasar apparently wants us to become intoxicated on this notion that like the Second Council of the Vatican itself Međugorje may somehow escape prosecution on charges of manifest heresy while blue-bloodedly sowing the seeds of heresy. Note that von Balthasar is a major influence on Bishop Robert Barron, a man who is to Fulton Sheen everything that Međugorje is to Fátima, namely a copycat that does the New World Order’s bidding.

Warsaw Archbishop Henryk Hoser, S.A.C. (i.e. Society of the Catholic Apostolate) said:
“[Apart from the many charities {since proved to have been fraudulent fronts to fund the Croat military, see below}], what confirms the authenticity of the place [what does that phrase even mean?] is the great effort that is being made at the level of Christian formation*.

Archbishop Hoser was Pope Francis’s Holy See Special Envoy to, then Apostolic Visitor to, Međugorje until his passing which we’re told was due to COVID-19. Back in 2013 Hoser was intensely criticized when he refused to remove a priest from active duty who was convicted of molesting two altar boys. On the other hand, Hoser removed a priest called Wojciech Lemanski, who had used his pulpit to continually and vocally condemn Poland’s anti-Semitic tendencies and the Church’s lenient treatment of clerics accused of sexual abuse. (!) So more institutionalist than moralist I warrant. 😒

René Laurentin—French priest, “Mariologist” and “spirit of Vatican II” extremist—ascribed the following to Međugorje:
“A post-conciliar style”;
“openness and topicality“;
“the apparitions of Međugorje do not have a retro style”;
“they are in keeping with post-conciliar pastoral theology”;
“the Gospa encourages openness and ecumenism.”

An approximation of the overall cultural structure, at least where Baby Boomers are concerned.
As the eldest of the six purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesiologically classed private revelators) Vicka Ivanković (Mijatović) said, “The Pope can say what he wants; I’m telling it like it is”.
Were one to continue inward along this line of thinking, one would undoubtedly find oneself an outright Nestorian, and it is undeniably the Nestorian theology of what is known as the Church of the East (this is a specific communion rather than some broad designation) that has wormed its way into the Vatican ever since the so-called Catholic Couterreformation made the Jesuits the breaktroops of a then newly emerging (and now all but defunct) Popecore™ Catholicism.


Now here at last is something we can ALL agree on: Međugorje is all about brusquely shoving Catholics in a modern, streamlined, and secular direction by completely contradicting all other Marian apparitions! Rev. Laurentin, addressing the nagging lack of (supernatural) signs (though frequently suggested by “Catholic Charismatic Renewal” handlers they’re never evident to the un-coached, whence the chronically negative investigative results)—which is bad enough even before you consider that it disproves purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionist (ecclesially classed as a private revelator) Ivan Dragičević’s glowing prophecy—granted only that Ivan had “proceeded imprudently”. Like not to question a priest of Our Lord or anything, and I’m betting you have no more faculty than I to excommunicate anyone, but there comes a point where you simply cannot keep putting off the question: WHAT KIND OF FULLY POSSESSED REPROBATE PSYCHOPATH WILLFULLY AND KNOWINGLY FOLLOWS A FALSE PROPHET? Can we honestly ask for greater obviousness about what is really happening here? Would any of us presume to pray for more horribly clear focus, not to mention credence, in favor of that label beloved by tradition-oriented Catholics of a KGB-engineered “Spirit of Vatican II” cult***? And then we find ourselves compelled, in the face of all of this apocalyptic spiritual grotesqueness, to chuckle at the irony that this cult (if cult it be) held its nose in order to resort to reproducing the three things they hate perhaps above all (Mary, pilgrimages, and fasts) in order to continue performing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation on the already fetid corpse that is their at best humanly inspired vision of the Church and keep pushing the central lie of universalism (multiversalism?), Satan’s counterfeit of Catholicism. Turns out they’re fine with Mary as long as she isn’t crushing the serpent and with pilgrimages provided they ooze with the prosperity anti-gospel of Joel Osteen! And so what initially appears “revealed”—and later just “refreshingly apolitical”—soon takes on a considerably more prosaic New World Order (through chaos) aspect upon further scrutiny.

And much more about the moral character of the actors involved coming up…

Part of the former Yugoslavia
Croatian (Latin-based) and Serbian (Greco-Cyrillic–based) alphabets of the Serbo-Croatian language
with international pronunciation key

Is there any “Fátima logic” that allows for another revelation to claim Fátima’s legacy while ignoring the topic of the consecraton of Russia?

Categorically not, the reason being that the mission of Fátima (whose words by contrast have consistently been shown to be true) is not yet completed. I’ll say it again: The mission of Fátima is not yet completed. In the person of Pope Francis the Holy See, winking at Međugorje, has deteriorated to the point of openly animistic idolatry. The show they produced (sorry but that’s all that was) of allegedly consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary was in point of fact not completed in compliance with Our Lady of Fatima’s stipulations, and Međugorje mysteriously never once broaches the topic of the consecration of Russia—in fact it refers to Fátima zero times! Therefore, Međugorje (whose words by contrast have frequently been shown to be false [as well as all kinds of spiritually ruinous]) is simply there to distract the attention of all whose gaze may be diverted away from God’s work. Međugorje, therefore, is the devil’s anti-Fátima, complete with ten new anti-secrets, although only the first three are consistent across all purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators), giving us (for you arithmeticians) a grand total of 45 Međugorje anti-secrets. (Footnote: And let’s not forget the “Fátima II contestant” who placed second, Stefano Gobbi [whose alleged locutions confirm that they do in fact come from an unclean spirit that is in league with the one that charms the masses at Međugorje]! And then there’s this in the full spirit of Pope Francis.) Members FDIC (Fátima Deuterocanonical Impersonators Club).

Croatian national flag.
It wouldn’t be unkind to call Croats “the hillbillies of the Slavs”. Their dependency on the Italian Mafia (or rather the Neapolitan Camorra [see Hill Cumorah]) is roughly analogous to the Klan’s subordinate relationship to Freemasonry, Neo-Nazism, and ultimately Rabbinism. We’re dealing with a people who, with some notable exceptions doubtless intimidated into silence until now (a great reason to share this blog post so that maybe they’ll start blowing the whistle), straight-up lack the spiritual sensitivity to grasp the peacemaking ways of real Catholicism: hence why they view and use the Faith almost exclusively prosaically, as a vehicle to advance their own race at the expense of everyone and anyone else.
“More glorious beyond compare than the seraphim”, yet never does Mary ever cover her feet!
But yes, for the record, this is what blew in when we opened the doors at the Second Council of the Vatican. Easy, breezy escape from reality, no more punishments or “chastisements” like in all the approved Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations): that’s the Međugorje shrine to a tee! Note the lack of heels, which are the part of Mary that the Tempter fears, consistent with the Luciferian “Enlightenment” tone of a great many of her alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations). And this is the same “Mary” who prays “forgive us our trespasses” and whose garments become stained from people touching them. You see what they did there? Pretty neat, huh? (NOT!!!)
The lack of feet is an enormous problem. Feet are always present in legitimate Marian apparitions. Sometimes they crush the head of a serpent. But they always differentiate her from an infernal impersonator!

“A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign” (Matthew 16:4, D–R).
“And they healed the breach of the daughter of my people disgracefully, saying: Peace, peace: and there was no peace” (Jeremiah 6:14, D–R).

There is an old saying that all that glitters is not gold. And as we’ll learn, not all who wear brown hoods are pure of intent nor do they necessarily even outwardly pretend to be of peace, beyond simply mouthing the word (a Freemasonic characteristic to be sure)! (Not to mention the Yugoslav Wars (1991–2001) being the only major conflict in Europe since 1945! (B&H = Bitterness and Hatred?)

But before dealing with the popular counterfeit, my approach is to start with a quick rundown of unpopular yet sound spirituality, i.e. the Narrow Way. But first this seems like a good place to note that this post will not be dealing with the numbers of visitors or even religious enlistments, however “confirming” these may be to those already in the tank. Popularity isn’t the same thing as fruits (and last time I checked the Church teaches that invalid confessions are worse than no confession); rather, it is persecution that signals a good harvest. “The blood of the martyrs are the seed of the Church.” In fact, as the true Christians said of the Arians, “they have the churches, but we have the Faith”.

I remember hearing once that in heaven there is only music and silence. In other words the genuinely devout soul, far from frantically thumbing beads, pursues recollection and allows no mundane (much less scandalous) chatter to fend of the threat of “dead air”, no banal, spirit-draining chatterbox experience (albeit baiting us with that initial silent apparition then tap, tap, tapping us along with postponed and ultimately unfulfilled promises of some great sign that never was).

And I remember, by contrast, learning about how German churchgoers were told to “sing a little louder” when from a Nazi cattle train that had to make an emergency stop nearby, cries for help could be heard from the Oriental types who were being forcibly shuttled back east in Germany’s Ashkenazi-funded and meth-fueled reenactment of the Spanish Inquisition.

The fact of the matter is that the mature soul stays true through any and all dark and desolate nights, stoically or soberly, without digressing in order to favor deceitful comforts. The fact is that this mature soul is the soul that will one day be awakened◄04► and forever after behold the radiant face of her God who is the perfection of charity and therefore of every virtue: that is of every strength of character. Indeed the great Doctor of the Church John of the Cross counsels spiritually minded Christians to make an effort to resist “spiritual sweetness” but for sure never on any account to seek it. But who among us◄05► may be reckoned as mature in the Lord? Who of us can actually say that union with God is what we’re going for with our church or other activities? Arguably, where does such a pursuit fit in with today’s parish (or for that matter friary) life? These are tough questions, the short answer would be to seek first God’s kingdom and to have the unitive love of God as your entire goal, but it is of course understandable on a carnal level that many today apparently will put them off so as to prioritize the chatter of easier, breezier, more comfortable forms of Catholicism instead of the cross of Jesus of Nazareth, of John of Castile and of others. Carnally “understandable” that is, yet at the same time unspeakably unwise from an inner- and afterlife standpoint, and I have a hunch that we cannot afford to take for granted that Medge-heads have a sincere belief in the afterlife. But in any case even the most immature of Catholics can agree with me that it is certainly better to receive no apparition-locution from heaven than to receive one from the other place while believing it to be from heaven.

“Whereas the divine vision always conforms to the gravity and majesty of heavenly things, diabolical figures will infallibly have something unworthy of God, something ridiculous, extravagant, disorderly, or unreasonable about them.”

Rev. Albert FARGES, PSS

Much of the deeply Second Council of the Vatican–attached “Reformed Catholic” culture, perhaps from a preexisting insecurity at sensing its own optical redundancy, its hopeless incoherency, its clerical depravity—in short, its arguably demonically silly hideousness—and perhaps by being already predisposed toward the “Pentecostal Revival”—I mean “Catholic Charismatic Renewal”◄06►—and relatedly given to raging incoherently against their own (often “communist”) bishops, yet mystifyingly never against the Talmud or other “traditions of men” as Jesus (quoting Isaiah) did, and by just being what the clergy like to call “your more simple-faithed Catholics”, have acquired a rather jaded taste for the thrill of increasingly hardcore doom ideations◄07► with no apparent quality control over the authenticity much less wholesomeness of their at times (in layman’s terms) thoroughly suspicious apparition-locution suppliers (in the form in this case of purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists [ecclesially classed as private revelators]). If you’re taking notes, we’ve just covered all of the markings of a cult and of radicalization. (It ain’t just those Muslims, folks, and some of the fruits of Međugorje devotions (this “Gospa Gospel” or Gospal™◄29► for short) that we will be seeing should aid you in getting what I’m saying: “the enemy is us!”)

Now the current state of affairs could in part owe to the Vatican’s refusal since the 1950s to teach on the Apocalypse of Saint John (i.e. the Book of Revelation) or on the “end times”◄08►, bureaucratically producing this legally fictitious “prophecy vacuum”! Camera B: One pastoral lesson here: nature abhors a void, and when the Church’s preaching policies become too “safe”, other less scrupulous ministers will fill the gap. Indeed, as Marian expert Donal Foley summarizes in harmony with this bogger’s central thesis, “the only rational conclusion about Međugorje is that it has turned out to be A VAST, IF CAPTIVATING, RELIGIOUS ILLUSION”. Foley goes on to attribute the popularity of the Međugorje cult to the fact that Međugorje may appeal to Catholics confused by changes after the Second Council of the Vatican whose ham-handed enforcement (presumably by an occult society undercurrent that struck while the iron of disarray was hot: ORDER THROUGH CHAOS) of course belied the council’s pastoral rather than dogmatic nature. Could this be you? Is Mr Foley perhaps another bookish type who has personal job security reasons to blow off these important alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) coming from the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) of Međugorje? If you’re inclined to think this way, then definitely keep reading: the truth may surprise you.

Catholics today furthermore have to deal with their clergy being overrun by the hardcore St Gallen’s Mafia (a.k.a. the Lavender Mafia) that’s stuck in the 1970s promoting homosexual depredation (i.e. perverts), superficial worldliness (i.e. modernism), progressive politics (i.e. transhumanism, all CIA-shepherded every bit as much as the religious right is) and apparently fewer special callings to live more “visibly holy lifestyles”◄09► (and orthodoxy of belief is of course a formal impossibility under the circumstances with the exception of the one whistleblower who has come forward thus far, Marija Pavlović [Lunetti]), and so naturally they’re going to turn to the convincing supernaturalists and end-timers with their glowing promises of resurrecting your religion by any means necessary similar to a Billy Graham “crusade”. It’s perfectly natural, but then when it all proves to have been an ingenious device to corrupt your mind, then where do you turn?

So it was upon this spiritually bottomed-out and frenetically materialistic cultural landscape (a wicked and corrupt generation, if you will) that entered many 1980s alleged Marian apparitions particularly in Ireland and Italy, among them Our Lady of Međugorje (Međugorska Gospa in the original Croatian), legit pronounced /meh•jew•GORY•eh/ and meaning “betwixt mountains”, that would arguably become The Greatest Religious Show on Earth (Mostar ✠ Bishop Emeritus Ratko Perić, in denouncing Međugorje as false, has legit called it both a “religious show” and a “spectaculum mundo“), all believed by some investigators to have been set up by the same CIA that directed the public lives of both reliably crowd-pleasing thespians Pope John Paul II stationed at Old Rome and President Ronald Reagan reassigned from California to Washington, D.C.◄10►. This slick “arch-operation” that would define the 1980s (“Project: I’m Not a Real Leader but I Play One on TV”?) came out swinging as it entered the fray suspiciously choreographed to pose for photographic opportunities as the bright shining “hero” and take all the credit for the suicide of Bolshevik Qommunism◄11► and to cater to precisely this sort of heroin den demographic of Cold War–weary and apocalypse-crazed Baby Boom brats, raising the (ostensible) piety-dollars that would finance the Croat-dominated (98.5% in 2013) boomtown that is modern Međugorje in the municipality of Čitluk in the southern Herzegovinian region of present-day Bosnia and Herzegovina (NOT Croatia; a.k.a. Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина, as of 1992, initially the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia carried over from World War II [gut-wrenching stories about the Franciscans from back then to follow; it’s been called “the Jerusalem of Europe” {by Muslim martial artist and web talk show host Eddie Redzovic of The Deen Show who speaks of Bosnia’s human safaris}!] then the Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia [1991] and finally the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina [1995], the borders of which tract of land seem designed to balance out Bosniak versus Croat influence, whence the religious diversity [including a seldom-mentioned Jewish/Zionist shrine], and before all of that the Condominium of Bosnia and Herzegovina under the Austro-Hungarian Empire).

And no, this blogger is not being flippant in using substance abuse–suggestive wording here, as there is much to indicate that the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators)◄12► in Međugorje[09] were chronic smokers (against their parents’ orders, filial disobedience actually being a theme we will see repeated in Franciscan matters as well) and pathological liars (truly the kind of kids you can easily imagine getting in over their heads such that an unscrupulous adult with a flair for showmanship could get them “off the hook” by means of a win-win strategy—omnibus bono). The tween- and teen-aged purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) may have also taken hallucinogenics◄14►, but either way they almost certainly smoked something they didn’t want people to know about while at a still somewhat tender age just prior to their initial alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations)◄15►. Indeed one of the most damning things about the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) is how they changed their story regarding what they were doing atop Podbrdo Hill◄16►, first saying they had hiked up to smoke but later claiming that their aim had been to gather flowers. And there is furthermore something of a very astutely scripted mass–mind manipulation component here, woven into the stereotypically “Catholic Charismatic Renewal” element, comprising this operation◄17► which would obviously explain this CIA affinity for those familiar with spy world (and with the classically Franciscan modus operandi if we’re being brutally honest).

By way of a preliminary word to the wise, probably one of the best clues to assist the cool-headed discerner in getting the human and improvised nature of Our Lady of Međugorje (and indeed the tragically cognitively dissonant mental state of its Medge-heads) is that on 29 June 1981 Rev. Jozo Zovko gave the then tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children” a Croatian-language book about Our Lady of Lourdes (which in terms of friar politics [which is what this whole article is about] had represented a big win for the OFM side against the OP side, that is against the Dominican rival-friars). After this, Mirjana Dragičević (Soldo) and Ivanka Ivanković declared that their alleged Marian apparitions would have the same duration as those in Lourdes (meaning that the Međugorje apparitions would all completely wrap up on 3 July 1981), claiming that in fact the Blessed Virgin Mary had told them it would end on this date, and this was recorded on audiotape; moreover it was also stated by the Gospa that she would only appear three (3) more times for a total of four (4) apparitions (and not no 50,000). (They have since changed their story, indeed they later said that the Blessed Virgin Mary offered to continue appearing as long as the tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children” wanted her to [alternately when all six children had all ten of their respective {varying} secrets], accommodating their mundane and often sordid schedules and even moving as their gaze shifted (!), and indeed they have been claiming to receive Marian apparitions for over forty years now. In other words, the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) were the ones in charge because these weren’t apparitions in any conventional use of the word but were in fact séances or ouija sessions. It’s as if they “love” Our Lady in a very Jeffrey Dahmer sense of the word? There is a very clear and crucial difference between disposing oneself to God’s subtle promptings versus initiating and controlling one’s hallucinations.) It isn’t clear whether or not this second suspicious self-contradiction was the reason why from early on Tomislav Vlašić and Slavko Barbarić so extensively coached the tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children” that they even went to the extreme of forbidding the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) to give any statements without these men’s prior knowledge and insisted on reading the tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children’s” diaries, but this is what their almost powerless ✠ Bishop, Ratko Perić, affirmed that they indeed did. Because there’s regular old clerical child abuse and then there’s “stay on script and no breaking character or the mafia’ll getcha”!

All of these data, one would have hoped, catch the eye of the soundly discerning Catholic as if each fact of the case were a bright red buoy warning sailors of underwater rocks. Thing is though, again the whole mood over there seems to be one of anxiety not to say desperation and clique culture—terms like cognitive dissonance and circular reasoning do bear repeating, alongside such counter-beatudinal dispositions as ambition, greed, and the intrigue one might expect from a group that, politically speaking, aspires to face off against the Vatican by masking worldliness with the words and gestures of spirituality—to the utter exclusion of cool-headed introspection, Church unity or obedience, never mind sound contemplation!


Now we are going to look at the biographies of some of the spiritual, psychological and finally sexual predators behind this operation who in the 1980s posed as members of the OFM (“Order of Franciscans Minor”) in a part of the world where the Franciscan friars were notorious for directly committing genocide (like physically pushing hundreds of Serbian Orthodox Christian women and children off cliffs [which really highlights the almost unimaginably nationalistic nature of the conflict that today is more waged in the organized crime and drug trade sector]) and even more shockingly for butting heads with their legitimate ordinary bishops.

(Church, State and Syndicate)

Note that all these men have had clear ties with at least two foreign organized crime◄18► syndicates. The first of these is the Croat separatist terrorist “Ustaše” /u•STAH•shah/, which was once instrumental in the Nazi occupation of the Balkans and all the way to Rome genociding Serbs, Jews and Roma. Though there’s no real doubt that the Međugorje operation benefits the Croat Mafia, it isn’t yet public knowledge how the money flows, although one orphanage fund was found to be used toward the Croat military and the partly Franciscan-owned Hercegovačka banka (a “private” bank [but then again so is the Federal Reserve] apparently set up to prevent their “occupiers” from profiting off of their operation) was shut down on suspicions that it was funding the Croat Democratic Union [HDZ] to arm Croat separatists—this known fraud is especially telling in view of the glowing statement by Holy See Special Envoy Warsaw Archbishop Henryk Hoser, S.A.C. (you know the one who praised their just unbelievably sketchy “Christian formation” program), that “what confirms the authenticity of the place is the large number of charitable institutions that exist around the sanctuary”. The second syndicate with which the OFMs of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been associated is the Neapolitan “Camorra” (a.k.a. “Campanian Mafia” and not to be confused with the Hill Camorra nor with the Comoros Islands of Captain James Kidd’s exploits), which according to Wikipedia controls the drug trade in Europe and is one of your older, more hardcore, more demonic organized crime syndicates, second only to the Sicilian Mafia with whom they do extensive clandestine substance trade in Italy, the other major difference being that Camorra is more federated while the Sicilian Mafia is more centralized with their formalities mimicking those of churchmen. The Camorrah are deeply involved in matters of church and state. These men do not play nice, and they are of shadow. But what this also means is that these friars had access to hardcore mind-altering substances for their golden egg–laying teens or for whomever, and some of these substances are likely unknown to the Muslim psychoanalyst who, perhaps sensing something of her own faith paradigm (namely very given to violent proselytism and to unexamined mysticism) within this Međugorje movement, chose words that betrayed her own personal bias in favor of Međugorje, a bias that makes sense in view of Međugorje’s clearly Islam-ish overtones and occasional celebration of the personal holiness of Muslims (as we saw above in the CHURCH section) perhaps to reward the psychoanalyst (more on the “Muslim doctress” below).

Early OFM ecclesial leaders of Mostar and Herzegovina

Okay so Franciscans generally are a “religious order” that may boast many worldly (literally global) advantages, and indeed this blogger has witnessed that their vocation recruiters (in the western hemisphere) are not above boasting of such advantages. “Own nothing; control everything” was said by the Rockefellers but likely felt and certainly practiced by many a monastic, friarly, and jesuitical order long before the industrial class ever rose to prominence. Bluntly put, thanks to the legacy of Francis (who long before Schopenhauer was a “Buddha of the West”), the Franciscan friar has safe passage to lands in which the Vatican’s more direct subordinates are unwelcome. The children of Francis are a permanent installment at the United Nations for example, and to pretend that they are really humble (when [a] they are trying to hook recruits on this basis and [b] “pride” as it were is one of their most salient characteristics today) is wishful thinking at best.

The friars whose names follow are further known to have jointly conducted experiments on human subjects including disinhibiting “sensitivity sessions” as E. Michael Jones has termed them, frequently with such drastic and alarming outcomes that similar sessions have now been criminalized in many countries, and the Diocese of Mostar has indeed cautioned the faithful against such “renewals” calling them “dubious”. Were Franciscans not exactly the first kind of person you would expect to be committing crimes against humanity? Well don’t stop reading now—we’re just getting warmed up!

    Rev. Jozo Zovko, OFM /YOH•zoh ZOFF•coh/
    Last known location: Zagreb, Croatia.
    Canonical status: relocated away from the town of Međugorje, reinstated after decades of defiance.
    Organizations: Catholic Church, Order of Franciscans Minor, “Catholic Charismatic Renewal”.
    Current bodily health: medically ordered rest for heart condition.
    This guy put the “God” in “Godfather”. The original coach or “advisor” (for like four days) to the initially tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children” before being sentenced by the Communists to 3½ years, later reduced to 1½ years, of forced labor on charges of sedition (in lieu of the routine sentence to capital punishment), Zovko was eventually removed from Međugorje this time by Catholic Church authorities amid allegations that he was carrying on with female pilgrims in a sexually molesting manner. Riding this wave of perversion and corruption as a known Ustaše sympathizer, “Father Jozo” has become a top religious figure, rivaling any pope, and he has distanced himself from the others (below) whom he stepped on to get where he is today: organized crime influence again blatantly evident! In a November 2002 letter to Walter Rossi, Jozo Zovko’s ✠ Bishop Ratko Perić characterized Zovko as a “disobedient Franciscan”, that is to say that he has exercised the form of ministry while in violation of those vows without which he is no friar and no ministerial priest and indeed ✠ Bishop Perić clarified that Zovko had been stripped of “every faculty” to serve in public ministry since 1989 (which was the year Rome confirmed the local bishop’s revocation of Zovko’s priestly jurisdiction, a revocation they never actually enforced until twenty years later in 2009 when Zovko was finally reassigned to Croatia [and, even more shockingly, finally kept a vow and completed his assignment rather than go awol per was his custom]). Now after dismally failing the first two commissioned investigations, the (Card. Camillo) Ruini Commission finally decided that, at the absolute most, the first ten days of alleged (initially silent) Marian apparitions warranted further investigation, but beyond that the Ruini Commission saw way too much politics in all of subsequent alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) (i.e. those recorded as taking place after 3 July 1981, which again would mean that Our Lady of Međugorje did indeed run as long as Our Lady of Lourdes, i.e. just ten days and no longer—and only three more apparitions in those ten days), making Zovko the only coach who at least initially didn’t allow his order’s politics to influence the tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children’s” alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) and that it would be the even more shameless showman Tomislav Vlašić who would undertake to twist the alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) in a personally expedient direction. (It is worth noting, however, that social scientist Raymond Eve writes rather clear-headedly concerning the Ruini-countenanced first ten alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) that “Ivanka [Ivanković], who was the first to perceive a visitation, had just lost her natural mother. The perception of apparitional experiences spread rapidly among her intimate peer group…The region’s tension and anxiety likely exacerbated this contagion process and the need to believe among the [illiterate] youthful protagonists”◄19►.
    Ex-Rev. Tomislav Vlašić, former OFM /TOM•iss•lav VLAH•shihh/
    Last known location: Gheda (Petfood), Italy.
    Canonical status: excommunicated (with extreme prejudice).
    Organizations: Catholic Church, Order of Franciscans Minor, “Catholic Charismatic Renewal”, Queen of Peace – Totally Yours – to Jesus through Mary (coed “monastery”), The Fortress of the Impeccable (?), Central Nucleus (heresiarch think tank), Church of Jesus Christ of the Whole Universe (blatant rival to the Catholic Church).
    Current bodily health: unknown.
    Spoiler: clearly a “charismatic leader” in both senses of the word (really Catholicism’s version of the dispensationalist squad [Darby/Brookes/Larkin/Scofield, a similarly adulterous crew] who let’s remember did succeed in completely transplanting Evangelicalism from the Bible into Darby’s own occult geopolitics), this guy spells it not Međugorje but rather Međug-orgy! But seriously, if Mr. Tomislav Vlašić’s life has one thing to teach us it must be that disbedience is simply schism in its infancy. Through unrepeatable theological maneuverings (comparing his secret lover’s unwed pregnancy to that of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Vlašić fathered a child (later named Tomo) by this anonymous nun whom he then tried in vain to bribe into silence with a one-time payment (abortive intent implied; manipulators always expect their preys’ souls to sell cheaply). Vlašić’s baby’s nameless mama then moved with her son to Germany (a move that sources indicate Vlašić may have encouraged, and the ill-fated lovers seem to have kept written correspondence). While all this was going on, at a “Catholic Charismatic Renewal” pow-wow in Rome in May 1981 (the month preceding the onset of the alleged Marian apparitions in Međugorje), Briege McKenna, O.S.C. (a “Poor Clare”) “prophesied” (all under the direction of our covert mafia don Jozo Zovko) that Vlašić would be in a twin-towered church “surrounded by a large crowd” or group of people with rivers of “living water” flowing away from the place where he would sit, and a Dominican priest who then added: “Do not be afraid: I will send you my mother”. As it happened, a few weeks later, on 25 June 1981 the alleged Marian apparitions began also under Godfather Jozo Zovko’s direction, and Vlašić became their spiritual director on the 29th and forbade the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) to make any statements without his prior knowledge and insisted on reading the tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children’s” diaries in an effort to put a stop to their erstwhile abysmal track record for internal consistency. (Like herding cats or Croats I tell you!) Then while Jozo Zovko was detained by the Soviets, Vlašić, with his experience in choreographing what again the Diocese of Mostar characterizes as “dubious Charismatic spiritual renewals” (say “human experimentation” without saying “human experimentation”) back in Čapljina, appears to have taken Zovko’s place, relocating from Čapljina where he was supposed to be pastor (just a chronic deadbeat type apparently) and on at least this occasion his Franciscan provincial, one Jozo Pejić /YOH•zoh PAY•yeahh/, joined him in disobedience (but you know I’m sure there are many fine men named Jozo too) to the town of Međugorje while having zero correspondence with, let alone permission from, his bishop, who approved the move only on 27 July 1982 (owing to his then unawareness of Vlašić’s whole affair, son and cover-up thang). In an ostensibly penitential statement on 3 April 1982 the tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children” made a great show of “confessing” that when the bishop had asked them on 15 January of that year whether or not the Blessed Virgin Mary had commented to them concerning the guilt or innocence of friar-priests Ivan Prusina /ee•VAHN proo•SEE•nuh/ and Ivica Vego /ee•VEE•kah VAY•goh/ who had been laicized on the charge that they had led an angry mob to evict a secular pastor (a pastor ho by the way had literally simply been installed TO BRING THE DIOCESE OF MOSTAR INTO COMPLIANCE WITH A PAPAL DECREE from 1975 called Romanis Pontificibus which to this day it is not yet in full compliance that we know of) in Mostar in what has become known as the Herzegovina Affair, Vlašić had manipulated them to lie to his bishop (millstone pending) and say that the Blessed Virgin Mary had said nothing about the validity of the bishop’s charges against the Franciscan priests when, according to their again showily “penitential” statement, the Blessed Virgin Mary had indeed allegedly proclaimed the friar-priests’ innocence to sneering-lipped Vicka Ivanković (Mijatović)◄20►, ordering that the two Franciscan priests be reinstated. (The purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators), seemingly always taking the sneakiest road possible, had already behind the scenes instructed the friar-priests to ignore their bishop’s orders laicizing the pair.) Later Rome would step on the bishop’s toes, complying with Our Lady’s apparent request by reinstating the two Mostar Franciscans in question, but later still it would be uncovered that Vego, far from being the innocent type, had like Vlašić fathered a child by a consecrated nun and covered it up. (Quick aside, why is it that Our Lady of Međugorje just never seems to detect the presence of love-children? Oh well, no matter.) Vego then shacked up with his paramour, settling down in that wretched hive of scum and villany known to you and me as Međugorje where St James (Sveti Jakov) Parish, notwithstanding everything, kept his bestselling prayer book in its inventory alongside Maria Valtorta’s once expressly forbidden The Poem of the Man-God. The erstwhile lawless couple however did eventually marry and (again like Vlašić) move to Italy. This state of affairs seemed to satisfy ✠ Bishop Žanić (also all sane people) that this whole Međugorje thing was indeed all just a cleverly orchestrated scam. The alleged Marian apparitions are chronicled in a brazenly fraudulent log kept by Vlašić and titled Chronicle of the Apparitions that was ultimately deemed “not credible” by a Vatican investigative commission. And just to get an idea, Rome will apply the term credible to anything unless and until it is demonstrably false. In this case, anachronisms abounded in the early entries so that based on simultaneous history it doesn’t appear that writing began any earlier than October of 1981. On 21 June 1983 and 6 February 1985, purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionist (ecclesially classed as a private revelator) Ivan Dragičević (who would later marry, I kid you not, a Miss Massachusetts by the name of Laureen Murphy having flunked out of two seminaries, with whom he lives in a $1M-plus mansion**** recalling the homes of our more corrupt churchmen), under Vlašić’s tutelage, went on the attack, telling the bishop that he was in big trouble with the Our Lord and Our Lady unless he (I am not even making this up) “converts”***** (because Međugorje is a solidification of the “Spirit of Vatican II” [or rather of the KGB] cult*** or?) from scrutinizing the Međugorje apparitions or at least refrains from “persecuting” those priests who believe in what at this point could not be more obviously a rival religion with the clear (and clearly Croat-separatist) goal of hijacking and distorting rather than in any wise faithfully promoting the Catholic Faith (see quotes above). Note that Ivan’s diary frequently bashes and threatens the local bishop which was why the gang steadfastly refused to hand them over to bishops and commissions, even going so far as to deny its existence. Lie-la-lie! Furthermore, on 2 September 1984 Vlašić was transferred to Vitina whereupon we have a letter where Vlašić not very subtly implied his bishop was a slave of Satan and in which he cast about for any believable excuse to keep supporting his habit of being a religious con artist. (His exact words were: “It would be necessary to get all the others involved (intellectuals, theologians, bishops, cardinals…). We have to admit that Satan can also work through the structures of the Church.”) It was after this that Vlašić’s baby’s mama sent a November 1984 note to Vlašić’s bishop (other sources say her landlord simply dumped Vlašić’s and his ex-lover’s mutual correspondence on then Cardinal Ratzinger now Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI), whereupon Vlašić was confronted, made no denial of the claims, and finally had to leave the town of Međugorje, though Vlašić would remain actively involved with Međugorje believers until the present day, only physically departing Međugorje in 1987 when the affair and cover-up were finally made public. Chancellor Don Ante Luburić of the Diocese of Mostar claimed in 2008 that Vlašić, whom ✠ Bishop Žanić had called a “Charismatic magician”, had “conjured up evil spirits in Međugorje” (meaning that he had literally opened up a portal to hell, that thing cyberspace loves to speculate endlessly about CERN doing), and indeed his future career choices would bear out this characterization of the man’s religious leadership style. When Vlašić (again finally) had to leave the town of Međugorje, it appears that Jozo Zovko (and Vlašić?) wasted no time in directing the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) to proclaim Vlašić’s innocence◄21►, and indeed their alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) have routinely been critical of the divinely anointed bishops and supportive of the evil friars of a candidly reprobate character. One purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionist (ecclesially classed as a private revelator) even went so far as using her apparently magisterial authority as what must be termed the “Popess of Charismatic Renewal Catholics” to sanction a wantonly scandalous◄22► coed “Marian religious community” in Parma, Italy (because organized crime and occultism naturally) together with his latest paramour Agnes Heupel who ironically hails from Germany where his at-risk son was growing up! (Word to the wise: vow-breaking relations of a heterosexual nature are rather the exception within these “Vatican II” orders and societies.) In founding the religious community (called Queen of Peace – Totally Yours – to Jesus through Mary) Vlašić left the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina. Later in 1987 ✠ Bishop Benito Cocchi of Parma shut down the strange foundation, but with the help of “association deputy head” Stefania Caterina they branched out and spread their tentacles, including back to good old Međugorje! But it was in the aftermath of this “prophetic” overreach that the mask really started to crack: in July of 1988 the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionist (ecclesially classed as a private revelator) who had formerly approved the Queen of Peace (Etc.) community (namely Marija Pavlović [Lunetti]) recanted and repented while her face to the Blessed Sacrament (which is to say the Holy Eucharist considered in a more idolatrous way) before going on to recount Vlašić’s manipulation of her (specifically he had told her what to claim that the Gospa [i.e. the Blessed Virgin Mary] had told her). Then in 1992 Vlašić joined the Franciscan Province of Abruzzo, down south aways in central Italy. Vlašić claims that in 2007 he and Stefania Caterina retreated to solace. Either way, in 2008 Vlašić was subjected to a CDF investigation in their words “for the diffusion of dubious doctrine, manipulation of consciences, suspect mysticism, disobedience towards legitimately issued orders” of lawful superiors and charges of sexual misconduct (contra sextum) for which he was found guilty and was duly/finally laicized by then Pope Benedict XVI on the grounds of “suspicion of heresy and schism, as well as scandalous acts contra sextum [against the sixth commandment], aggravated by mystical motivations [which is code for the fact that he was the old-fashioned kind of magician and that he summoned spirits”. After finally leaving the town of Međugorje and disappearing for a time (presumably to regroup and conspire with his CIA handlers sore at having their grasp on the Chair of Peter thus loosened), Vlašić was found to a member of the Joseph Smith–, Teilhard de Chardin–, C.S. Lewis– or L. Ron Hubbard–inspired “Central Nucleus” (commissioned “to save humanity in all [three] universes [multiverse or triverse?]”), il papa of his own Church of Jesus Christ of the Whole Universe (“to root the [meaning this] whole universe in Jesus Christ”), and moreover living in sin and scandal with the aforementioned Agnes Heupel (not to be confused with the church’s co-popess Stefania Caterina who started as Vlašić’s spiritual directee and is now his lover), Vlašić all the while continuing to represent himself and to “minister” as a “Catholic priest” (because Italy)! Now Tomislav Vlašić was finally excommunicated on 23 October 2020 (hindsight for ya), making him the 178th person ever excommunicated (different link). (Yup, that’s what it takes these days when you’re a serial con artist on behalf of the élite who is ready, willing and able to bring pious idiots into line and bring in the dough!) Despite living in Italy and being 1000% outside the Catholic Church, it seems that Vlašić persists in pretending to be a Catholic priest (an irregularity made even weirder considering that Franciscan minister general José Rodríguez Carballo has stated that Vlašic requested his own laicization!), in claiming to receive inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) from God the Father, the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Apostles and (being an unscrupulous occultist naturally) the archangels (whereas Stefania only sees the Blessed Virgin), and in owning this ultra-creepy hotel in the town of Međugorje that features a “Door of Light” through which initiates become dead to themselves (and alive to what though?!). (Note: all of this is just what we know!) On 20 May 2018 the Church of Jesus Christ of the Whole Universe was established on and in 2019 was formally registered in Italy as a non-profit organization, its charter having been laid out in their 2008 book Preko Velike Barijere (Through the Great Barrier), basically to bring saving knowledge of Jesus to the whole universe which supposedly lacks said knowledge.
    The rest is adapted from Wikipedia: According to the teaching of the Earth (!), after a Great Jubilee in 2000 (New Age of Aquarius?), God “speeded up” (sic)◄23► his plan for the new creation, using many (ordinary) “instruments”: Lourdes, Fátima, Međugorje, and whatnot. They believe that God asked the “official Catholic Church” to recognize the existence of humans in other universes of the multiverse/triverse but that it (obviously) still hadn’t done so by 2004 in view of which God mobilized the three “extraordinary instruments”: the Central Nucleus, the angels, and the brethren faithful to their brethren elsewhere in the universe. They claim that these three “extraordinary instruments” complete the tasks that the Catholic Church had refused. According to the Church of Jesus Christ of the Whole Universe, God tasked the Archangel Michael with leading these three “extraordinary instruments” all of whom would be challenged by “Lucifer and his allies”. The Church of Jesus Christ of the Whole Universe claims that the year 2012 was a turning point where God for the final time asked humanity to serve him. That year Vlašić had asked Pope Francis to acknowledge the existence of humans in other universes of the multiverse/triverse, which the Pope (obviously) hasn’t done. Between 2013 and 2017 people from the High Universe visited the Middle and the Lower universes (as opposed to the Alphaverse?) spreading news of redemption in Jesus and christening (meaning confirming or?) everyone…The Church of Jesus Christ of the Whole Universe claims that 2018 begins the evangelization of the people of the Earth, which is the first step towards the “Christs’” (?) return… (Why is everybody laughing?) (Note: in the wake of the alleged apparitions at Međugorje the Franciscans have literally erected church buildings without ecclesastical permission.) Now ask yourself: Is Vlašić’s full flowering any less Catholic than Međugorje itself? By no means, since zero is equal to zero! (With that said, it may surprise them when their respective places in hell do after all differ.) Note the link between religious indifferentism and wild extraterrestrial claims: you make the world of men seem larger so that your interfaith agenda seems less radical against this backdrop.
    Rev. Slavko Barbarić, OFM /SLAV•co BAR•bar•itch/
    Canonical status:
    Organizations: Catholic Church, Order of Franciscans Minor, “Catholic Charismatic Renewal”
    Bodily health: deceased.
    Now to complete the unholy trinity we have the gangster, the conman, and finally the academic. A doctor of catechesis [in what though?] and psychotherapy who studied in Freiburg, Germany, Barbarić succeeded Vlašić as spiritual director to the now even more adult and no longer adolescent “children” in 1984, adding his own entries to the fraudulent Chronicle of the Apparitions, and at this juncture Barbarić finally forewent all pretense to being a spiritual assistant in Mostar, his nominal assignment. #OFMAWOL Even vocal supporters such as ✠ Archbishop Frane Franić of Split-Makarska (in Croatia) have stated that Barbarić used his pedagogy and general psychology background to, as his excellency put it, “coach” the adult “children”. Bishop Žanić ordered Barbarić to change towns from Međugorje to Blagaj on 3 January 1985, but Barbarić’s provinicial initially disregarded the order #OFMAWOL, and even when Žanić didst finally deign to grace Blagaj and later Humac (20 July 1985) with his presence he still remained active in the town of Međugorje, additionally handling the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) on global tours, until Barbarić disappeared completely from Humac. #OFMAWOL In his telling response to the 1991 bishop’s conference in Zadar which expressed its utter frustration in seeking any evidence whatsoever that could be taken as suggesting supernatural origins for the alleged Marian apparitions in Međugorje (“On the basis of the investigations so far, it cannot be affirmed that one is dealing with supernatural apparitions and revelations”—which means that the Vatican acted ham-handedly in unprecedentedly overruling a local bishop on a matter of private revelation only to end up reiterating his analysis!), the ever-disobedient and fraudulent Barbarić shot back: “We have our sanctuary. We have permission for the people to come here. Why do we need the seers anyway?” Clearly here was a man who knew exactly what he was doing and was at the point of no longer caring who else knew! Indeed one is tempted to wonder if John Paul II wasn’t expressing a similar cynicism concerning the alleged Marian apparitions’ authenticity when he sort of threw up his hands and said in one of his not made-up statements about the alleged Marian apparitions in Međugorje: “If they are converting [also “reverting”, but to what?], praying, fasting, going to confession and doing penance, let them go to Međugorje.” It’s haunting to consider that, even if the alleged Marian apparitions weren’t real, these men undeniably had a vision for a new future church with its own “alien” (demonic?) theology, and then to ask yourself the tough question of Where did this vision originate if not from these relatively younger purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators)? And indeed on 13 May 2017 (three months after the local ordinary ✠ Bishop Ratko Perić had stated publicly and authoritatively that “Considering everything that this diocesan chancery has so far researched and studied, including the first seven days of alleged apparitions, we can say: THERE HAVE BEEN NO APPARITIONS OF OUR LADY OF MEĐUGORJE”), Pope Francis, as a caveat while he lifted the ban on pilgrimages, declared that the original alleged Marian apparitions reported by the teenagers were worth studying in more depth, while the subsequent continued alleged Marian apparitions over the years were, in his view, of dubious value, a sad commentary on Barbarić’s legacy to be sure. Barbarić would remain in Međugorje until passing on to his personal judgment in 2000 nine months after the first of two suspensions of his confessional jurisdiction by Bishop Perić on the basis of Barbarić’s ultimate decision to disobey both bishop and provincial in favor of a highly suspect voice that made all kinds of cavalier claims concerning its origin. #OFMAWOLRIP
    The three who as of 6/24/2022 persist in claiming to receive apparitions—namely:
    Marija Pavlović (Lunetti) (Italy),
    – sneering-lipped Vicka Ivanković (“near” Međugorje) and
    Ivan Dragičević (with his trophy wife and his mansion in Massachusetts [the Archdiocese of Boston is under an “OFM Cap” or Capuchin archbishop by the name of Séan Patrick O’Malley; Ivan and Laureen may or may not belong to Saint John the Baptist Parish in Peabody], cold comforts no doubt for one so ostentatiously devout but whom the “Blessed Virgin Mary” was tragically unable to help to rise to the rigors of seminary examinations, or rather perhaps just couldn’t seem to refrain from disturbing him with daily freaky “messages” right smack in the middle of prime study time—I mean, who ever could?)
    —all claim to converse with the Virgin each and every day promptly at 6:40pm (18.40) local time wherever they happen to be. Additionally they all hold private meetings when they reconvene in Međugorje. Mirjana Dragičević (Soldo) also continues to claim to receive Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) on special occasions. Notably nary a one of the four who persevere in claiming to receive “private revelations” is known to have a Church-appointed spiritual director that this blogger was able to discover. We know only that the current pastor at St James Church in Međugorje is Rev. Marinko Šakota, OFM, and when reached for comment Joe Walsh Tours Pilgrimages (sic) has repeatedly stated that they cannot comment with any certainty on a spiritual director or advisor, hinting first at the parish church’s apostolic visitator Archbishop Aldo Cavalli as well as his late Polish predecessor in this role and then at the current parish pastor. Succeeding bishops Žanić and Perić as Bishop of Mostar is Petar Palić, a cleric who ascended through the secular formational track and who, while given to friendly gestures and words communicating all due respect, clearly expresses attitudes similar to those of his predecessors. (In layman’s terms, it ain’t looking good for the future of this particular mega-devotion.)
Zero puns intended, I promise!
The “Peace Rosary” (or Chaplet) of Međugorje,
colloquially the Worker’s Chaplet.
Traditional Tarot decks have 22 cards with allegorical subjects. These serve as trump cards in the game. The Fool is usually a kind of wild-card among the trumps and unnumbered, so the highest trump is numbered 21. The Second Council of the Vatican was the 21st ecumenical council (by Rome’s reckoning). Occult Tarot decks usually have 22 similar cards which are called Major Arcana by fortune-tellers. Occultists have related this number to the 22 letters (21 consonants?) of the Hebrew alphabet and the 22 paths in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
“All roads lead to Međugorje!”
Tomislav Vlašić is in Gheda (Petfood), Italy, with Joseph Smith and Aleister Crowley or whatever.
Jozo Zovko is in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia
  • Rev. Marijan Pehar, OFM /mar•ee•YAN PAY•har/
    Together with Mirjana, Pehar would become an invaluable whistleblower of the whole operation furnishing the public with many of the facts contained herein and appears to remain in good standing with Holy Mother Church.
  • At least eight other friars were kicked out of the OFM by their bishop since the dawn of this whole Međugorje frenzy, in connection to relatedly unsound and dangerous ministerial hacks and lifestyle choices. (Speaking of dangerous, the Hindu practice of sun staring is routinely encouraged among Međugorje devotees (Medge-heads being the affectionate nickname) frequently resulting in eye damage to those who I supposed they will conclude “lacked faith” or some other banal tripe.
Two examples of non-Catholic structures

No poverty, no chastity, and no obedience!
And the perennial fruit of it all?
Scandal, division and confusion!
(And not the Jesus kind either!)
End of sermon.


In E. Michael Jones’s critical analysis the Međugorje pilgrimeers (i.e. these rogue OFMs and their child-marionettes) are “using the spirituality of the Catholic Church [and that of their founding ‘Father Francis’] to draw people [in], then…ignoring the authority of the [same] Catholic Church” and the poverty, pacifism and other near and dear values of Brother Francis when these don’t suit their human agenda! This bait-and-switch formula appears to summarize the “tithing” 🤮 engine that finances the Međugorje operation; it is indeed this blatant hypocrisy that seems to be the key to what has been termed the “Međugorje industry”.

With one notable exception, no bishop with apostolic jurisdictional authority over the town of Međugorje since that first summer of 1981 has expressed anything other than not only a doubt of its supernatural claims but an active disbelief in said claims. For a Church that professes to practice hierarchical subsidiarity rather than imperialistic ultramontanism, the supervision over the “Gospal” to date presents a serious credibility problem!

The reader will further note that Pope John Paul II ultimately refused to visit Međugorje after Medge-heads◄24► used their well-known worldly and underworldly (organized crime) ties to beat and kidnap for ten hours their own Bishop Ratko Perić /RAHT•co PEH•trich/, together with his secretary, whom that most popular of popes (notorious for ordaining active homosexuals sadly, great job CIA) had just two years earlier in 1993 appointed to succeed Bishop Žanić. Perić and his secretary were detained in a chapel that was under the management of Franciscan friar-priests who were also associated with the Međugorje operation.◄25► (Again, still better than genocide. More about His Late Excellency in the following paragraph.) The motive behind, and indeed the demand during, this kidnapping which took place on 26 March 1995, was to obtain permission to run a parish in an illicit manner. (To add insult to injury the assailants ripped off their bishop’s pectoral cross.) This may perhaps serve as the most vivid example to date of the limitless disobedience and violence that pervades within Međugorje’s “spiritual” leadership. The attack was clearly motivated in part by the alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesially classed as private revelations) which were worded prophetically but were clearly intended as a threat (see also Joseph Smith). Now personally, if Our Lady of Međugorje ever threatens me with “divine justice” what I’ll be on the lookout for is a lynch mob rather than a lightning bolt.

Now for those either poorly catechized or perchance well Catholic Charismatic Renewed/Međugorjized, Pavao Žanić /pah•VOW ZHAH•niche/ being Perić’s predecessor of course had likewise enjoyed both Rome’s approval and full apostolic authority over the town as well as St James Parish in Međugorje from the inception of the alleged Marian apparitions. It was he, that is it was Bishop Žanić, who commissioned an investigation that concluded that it was able to find a grand total of zero scraps of evidence indicating supernatural phenomena at its conclusion in the Year of Our Lord 1985. Now there are, on the other hand, suggestions that the commission was in essence rigged against the alleged Marian apparitions and that furthermore some Muslim doctress, whom the Communists are supposed to have sent in three days into the alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesally classed private revelations) after their own officials interrogated the adolescent instant celebrities), is also supposed to have exclaimed that the now entirely teen-aged “children” were of such sound mind that only those of abnormal psychology would even have brought them to her for evaluation. (Homework: watch Harvey starring Jimmy Stewart after reading this.)

This blogger can freely attest that the Medge-heads and (ironically called) “prayer warriors” in his own hometown love usurping authority through feral (“prophetic”) spectacles in which they instigate public verbal altercations provoking their own priests (with an eye to reinforcing their underlying subversive narrative which should tell you everything you need to know about how sincere they are) when they’re not spitting the most toxic gossip imaginable about them behind their backs and disobeying them like it’s going out of style.

And quite apart from Međugorje and the former Yugoslavia more broadly, this blogger witnessed an OFM-run “Catholic Charismatic Renewal retreat” in t.b.’s own (in many other ways wildly perverse and corrupt) home parish where t.b. saw first-hand the deceitful twisting of arcane words in tandem with bodily gestures (referred to in some circles as NLP or neurolinguistic programming) employed to produce predetermined mindsets in the unwitting (because artfully misdirected) faithful, all based, rest assured, on humanly induced impressions and also on nothing discernibly divine.

So yes the Franciscan Province of Herzegovina is quite the breakaway province ever since Rome’s 1923 decision to begin the (completely routine and healthy) process of normalization (i.e. transitioning from mission mode [and here it became such a violent caricature of mission work as to further justify this decision] to secular mode) by giving half of the Franciscans’ parishes to diocesan priests, and the province’s friars have been notorious for directly and violently perpetrating genocide (or at minimum ideocide, a.k.a. persecution and martyrdom) against their own brothers in Christ the Eastern Orthodox Serbs during World War II (so not quite a channel of God’s peace any more than they carry themselves like sons of Francis of Assisi in any other respect). But this blogger has witnessed that even outside this unusually diabolical clan within the Franciscan family, the OFMs exhibit this pattern of occultism in the form of clerical esoteric dabblings and messing with the minds of their parishioners and other audiences. And it is therefore no surprise when, just after the bishop’s commission found no supernatural content within the alleged Marian apparitions in Međugorje, the OFMs immediately had the now entirely teen-aged “children” call on Medge-heads to turn positives into negatives◄26► (not negatives into positives as I had wishfully heard it initially), something drawing perhaps from Croat folk magic. And many of their broadcast phrases will be difficult to trace simply because the inner clique in Međugorje, like the Vatican City-state itself, may be building its own library of obscure occult tomes—gnostic gospels, grimoires, A Course in Miracles, the Necronomicon, the Zohar and what-have-you—as just another component of this rather naked bid for unrivaled religious prominence. And this is an important reason why unfortunately many popular but weak-minded, spiritually immature or obviously CIA-connected ecclesiastical celebrities like Pope John Paul II, particularly devoted to, and indebted to, the alarmingly pro-Međugorje theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar (whom John Paul tried to make a cardinal) can’t possibly be taken seriously when showing unofficial support for Međugorje in all these allegedly encouraging secret conversations that Medge-heads pretend somehow trump the duty of these religious priests to keep their vows to the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience and to stop sowing the seeds of division and scandal in their cavalier stride, the baked-in conflict of interest with regard to international intelligence being painfully real. We must stoically or soberly content ourselves with understanding the late pope’s refusal to visit Međugorje as the clearest message the late pontiff durst send us concerning his perhaps true personal feelings on the matter, that pope who went to his grave bemoaning the materialism of the Poles, another fact E. Michael Jones has brought to light.

The blogger notes here that contempt for the Eastern Orthodox and their ways, a contempt that was and is white-hot in Međugorje (yes I am aware that the messages say that the Eastern Orthodox and Muslims for that matter have no need of the Catholic Church), has consistently borne rotten fruit in the Catholic community, beginning with the so-called Hesychast (i.e. the Prayer of the Heart) “controversy” from which only one side (theirs, who defended the practice) has a canonized saint! Slightly better though far from ideal is cultural appropriation, such as happened with the Divine Mercy prayers wherein the Trisagion (even more beautiful when sung correctly, protip) was infused into Catholic devotions.

See, while on the surface Međugorje culture is laying all the groundwork to replace the Vatican, in terms of the deep state◄27► the Papacy is scripted by the same cynical internationalists/interreligionists/geopolitical occultists that coreograph the “Gospal”. This also goes a long way in accounting for why the Holy See won’t vocally denounce or even disavow Constantinople (excommunication lifted in 1965), Moscow (or Kyev, never excommunicated just sort of Fátima’d—score one for Carmel), Canterbury (still excommunicated), Augsburg (still excommunicated) or the current West Jerusalem régime (officially “Jewish” [in the racist not religionist sense of the word, crucially] and consistently [albeit sneakily] anti-Christian), all so sacred (rightly or insanely) to many who confess Jesus as the Christ. Heck, under Pope Francis◄28► the Vatican City-state even put Martin Luther on their postage, which may well be the political equivalent of elevating infernal “earth goddess” idols inside Saint Peter’s Basilica. (Disclaimer: this blogger is not calling on anyone to do anything to the current pope of Rome other than pray, blog, and litigate!)

In short, members of the Order of Franciscans Minor (OFMs, not to mention CFRs), as a general rule, are either out of their minds or sold out to the oligarchs and are never to be trusted. What they do under the guise of Catholic Charismatic Renewal Prayer™◄29► is disturbing to the point of being criminally inhuman, as it incorporates human experimentation that is known to have had personally devastating consequences. The phrase Charismatic Renewal properly understood would strike terror in the heart of every (sober) Catholic man, woman and child. It is among the most unethical things the Church has ever presided over only to later claim that it was just another group acting under pressure from them or some such apologetical claptrap. Charismatics are essentially “good cops” busily slipping subliminal triggers into our souls on behalf of the powered and moneyed (((élite))), and unfortunately this has set the tone for how the Church treats the poor, making her every bit as much an enemy of Christ as any institution thus instituted can be said to be!

Come to think of it, that’s got to be why you keep seeing these new societies—the Vincentians, Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, Dorothy Day’s Catholic Worker—in the hopes that one of them will remain humble and sound and not flip Marxist or Keynesian (i.e. communist or capitalist in that soulless sense). If there was ever indeed a period in history when the OFMs were in any sense the “purely righteous conscience of the Church” this is not the case today and it probably hasn’t been since Francis of Assisi stepped down in protest of precisely this classically Franciscan sort of avarice creep!

Our Lady of Međugorje has been called “the biggest hoax in the history of the Roman Catholic Church” (see video below). Ten years into his assignment at St James Parish in Međugorje, one of your more fidelity-minded Franciscan friar-priests summarized the entire thing as “the devil’s plan for the pious”. The veteran pastor went on to say that “the whole point [of the Franciscan operation in Međugorje] is to take a human oracle and promote it to the status of something divine, and then to excommunicate everyone who doesn’t believe it,” which was exactly where Vlašić was at just before he went off the deep end. The above cited veteran pastor further declared that “[t]his is another Jesus,” which in Biblical terms, just so the reader knows the score, constitutes it as Antichrist, to say nothing of radical or cultish! It’s so important for Catholics who claim to preach the Gospel to also keep reading the Gospel and keep fending off Pharisaism in all its many forms, because plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. We must do all with love, including prayer, or there’s literally zero value to it. And it’s worth noting here that drug dealers and other organized crime accessories, who exhibit a predilection for wasting people’s time as a means of asserting dominance (modeled on certain Jezebelite tactics and/or a demonic mockery of Christian sermons), often specialize in banal, long-winded speeches, usually used to induce fear/hypnosis and to insert lies and possibly also spells. What they certainly lack in all of their stalling, safe and stilted “warnings” (all of them to date having been “disappointed”) is any sign whatsoever of divine inspiration.

Six purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators), in order: Ivan Dragićević (1), Marija Pavlović (Lunetti), Ivanka Ivanković (2), Mirjana Dragičević (Soldo) (1), Jakov Čolo (whose father had abandoned the family when he was eight and whose mother succumbed to the effects of alcoholism roughly two years into the alleged apparitions when he was twelve), and sneering-lipped Vicka Ivanković (Mijatović) (2) (apparently including two pairs of siblings).
Conspicuously absent are Ivan Ivanković and Milka Pavlović both of whom allegedly claimed to have seen the first alleged (silent) Marian apparition but no further apparitions (!)
Also absent is Jelena Vasilj who claimed to have apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 24 May 1983.
“LYING LIPS ARE AN ABOMINATION TO THE LORD: but they that deal faithfully please him” (Proverbs 12:22, D–R, caps added)
“BECAUSE THEY RECEIVE NOT THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH, THAT THEY MIGHT BE SAVED…THEREFORE GOD SHALL SEND THEM THE OPERATION OF ERROR, to believe lying: That all may be judged who have not believed the truth, but have consented to iniquity” (2 Thessalonians 2:10b–12, D–R, caps added).
Supposed “transport” or “ecstasy” proved fraudulent.
(The devil’s knock-offs really never are as good as God’s originals.)

✠ Bishop Pavao Žanić of Mostar-Duvno?, the first bishop to have been landed with the unenviable task of shepherding this whole messy Međugorje business, wrote in a 1987 letter to Rev. Hugh Thwaites, SJ: “I AM SURE THAT OUR LADY DOES NOT APPEAR. No miracles. The ‘messages’ cannot be of our Virgin. They are the fruit of a FABRICATION, FRAUD AND DISOBEDIENCE to the Church. It is about big money and personal interest [as well].” (Caps added.) So well said: macroeconomics and deranged ethnofascism, that is indeed the x-factor with all things Međugorje. The bishop went on to say that people who put their own words into the mouth of the Blessed Virgin Mary◄30► have merited for themselves not so much heaven as the lowermost bowels of hell. His Late Excellency finally denounced the OFMs◄31► for their disobedient haste in promoting the alleged apparitions, in his words “hurrying forward before the Church’s judgment”.

There is still much about which we can only speculate. What do the OFMs and their CIA handlers aspire to achieve? Can it be anything other than a false “Catholicism” rebuilt in the image and likeness of that increasingly discredited American cult that alternately insists on calling itself Mormons and Latter-day Saints?◄32►

“Just as one whiff of crack can give some people a cocaine addiction for life, so one touch of spiritual consolation of demonic origin can give some people an undying craving for more of the same” (Rev. Hugh Thwaites, SJ). Think your more messed-up Bible camp experiences I think.

On March 18, 2020, Mirjana Dragičević Soldo announced that the Blessed Mother would no longer appear to her on the second of each month. (This does not mean that she has stopped claiming to receive apparitions. Indeed, she may well be the only “child” who continues to do so.)

But the highly-problematic-at-best Pope Francis (famous for saying “Make a mess!” and for his unabashedly Freemasonic ideology both of which would seem to endear him to the direction in which Međugorje moves the mind of the Medgehead), notably more than any other pope in the alleged apparitions’ history, seems inclined to throw his measured support into the initial alleged apparitions, although as a matter of personal taste he says that he prefers “the Madonna as…our Mother” rather than “the head of the telegraphic office, who sends a message every day: this is not the Mother of Jesus”.◄33► To be clear, Pope Francis leaves no room for hope that the ongoing apparitions have any authenticity to them, and contrary to media lies his use of the phrase “good, very good” is in reference not to the apparitions nor to their fruits but rather to the bishop (Abp Aldo Cavalli) whom he was sending in the capacity of “apostolic visitor” (sometimes “visitator”, succeeding Abp Hoser) to evaluate the pragmatic and pastoral end of things (see video below), being assigned to the Parish of Međugorje and not to any “shrine” nor to any purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators). Indeed ruling Communists before the 1991–92 breakup of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, who initially interrogated, evaluated and persecuted (using the pretext of a “state of emergency”) the band of young mystics and their pretty clearly nationalism-thirsty groupies, had come to view the tourism boom that took off in 1982 as an economic benefit to their ultimately doomed cause. But before the love of Mammon became more than they could resist, the Communist Party’s persecution of the proto-Medge-heads had been so bad that it had prompted Bishop Žanić to make by far the most positive statement he would ever pronounce concerning Medjugorje, every word of which he would soon and until his dying day both regret and repudiate, but back when he was negotiating with the president to get the Communists off the adolescents’ backs at the time it must have seemed like a good idea to issue the following public statement: “No one has forced them or influenced them in any manner. These are six normal children; they are not lying; they express themselves from the depth of their hearts. Are we dealing here with a personal vision or a supernatural occurrence? It is hard to say. However, it is certain that they are not lying.” Which in the context of that time the Vatican still claims to be entertaining the possibility that it may have even been true. And although we do have at least Marija Pavlović (Lunetti)’s repentance of one fraudulent vision-message and a falsely reported lack of message related to the Herzegovina Affair, there is to this blogger’s knowledge no firsthand account saying when it was that the adolescents left off from having honestly alleged Marian inner apparition-locutions (ecclesiologically classed personal revelations) and were brought under influence of the Croat nationalist mafia-hired Franciscan careermanipulators who have always surrounded them and their loved ones. At this stage it is almost as if Pope Francis is beginning to achieve self-awareness in the midst of his power trip and starting to see the handwriting on the wall of his own tyrannical régime. But another take on Pope Francis’s smarmy (if measured) “warmth” toward the “Gospal”, in view of the Jesuit Pope’s similarly uncharacteristic welcoming of the FSSPX (often simply “SSPX”) also more so than popes past, could be that, being the unprincipled churchman that he is (let’s just say it: surrounded by arch–child rapists), Pope Francis simply befriends those he would sooner disband if he thought he could do so effectively.

Watch E. Michael Jones’s Visions on Demand by Unity Publishing
When a Modernist crypto-atheist in the clergy is outed his handlers have him trained to ask a question with a question, e.g., “What does Modernism mean to you?”
When a Liberation theologian crypto-Marxist in the clergy or religious orders is outed his handlers have him trained to ask a question with a question, e.g., “What does Liberation mean to you?”
When a “Catholic Charismatic Renewal” human experimenter in the clergy is outed his handlers have him trained to ask a question with a question, e.g., “What does Charismaticism mean to you?”
Such a question at this point should be grounds for excommunication. We can’t keep dancing with the devil anymore.

Related reading that this blogger hasn’t had the time (or mailing address) to get into

Spiritual damage assessment and action proposals

  • It impresses this blogger that you have a cult following that will rough up and indefinitely detain a middle-aged bishop and his secretary yet will not defend their own daughters’ honor against rapacious “friars” (which is true because of course they’re really organized crime bosses). Without even considering anything else (such as the multiple organized crime ties), this by itself would constitute that whole place as being clearly demon-infested. With all due respect, did the Ruini commission, disturbingly dismissive as it was of demonic origins theories, even ask themselves whether or not the prevalence of genocide and organized criminals could lend themselves to a (to this blogger) incomparably more satisfying occult or demonic narrative on the alleged apparitions?
  • And speaking of demonic infestation, this blogger can only gape in wonder that the Vatican today has all these unprecedentedly exalted (not to mention weirdly not anonymous) “exorcist priests” (such as that Međugorje shill Rev. Gabriele Amorth), literally now awarding each other “doctorates” in exorcism, running around profiting from oft-dubious “accounts” of their “heroic work” while safely behind Vatican walls, and yet not a one of them (with the notable exception of the late Malachi Martin) can be bothered to denounce much less deliver the abominable cult*** of Our Lady of Međugorje and of the “Spirit of Vatican II” (or rather of the KGB) in all of its spiritual filth◄34►. Rather they all seem to capitulate to mob rule (in both senses of the penultimate term) over the plainly obvious truth. Authority officially spent? It all just goes to show that the deeply ingrained avarice of today’s mercenary desk jockey priests is every bit as bad or worse than under the Renaissance “popes”, that for sheer in-your-face corruption the OFMs are as bad or worse than the OPs ever were, if such a thing were possible. But on a hopeful note, a more hands-on bishop, who has actually done the unheard-of in personally performing some of his own diocese’s exorcisms, has stated the following: “It is an absolutely diabolical event, around which numerous underworld [double-entendre?] interests revolve…I’m referring to ‘the Devil’s dung’, to money, what else? At Međugorje everything happens for the sake of money: pilgrimages, overnight stays, the sales of trinkets. In this way, abusing the good faith of the poor people who go there with the idea of meeting the Madonna, the false seers have set themselves up financially, they have married and live a wealthy life, to say the least” (✠ Bishop Andrea Gemma of Isernia-Venafro; whole interview).
  • Or at the very least, where is the Swiss Guard when a bishop in a problem diocese is being beaten and kidnapped? Send ’em in! Send them to Međugorje, send them to China…
  • What if anything does the OFMs’ Minister General Massimo Fusarelli have to say about this whole scandalous mess?
  • Will the OFM at least clarify its position on organized crime in general?
  • Would any bishops be disposed to attach an indulgence to sharing a link to informative blog posts such as this and other tools that could help exorcize and a task force to spiritually nurse back to health any who are under the uncanny influence of these apparent religious hucksters?

Lastly, please buy E. Michael Jones’s book or at least subscribe to his BitChute channel. Same goes for Hutton Gibson, Peter Levenda, David Irving. If not for yourselves, just do it for me: I want to live in a society that’s intelligent (and not brainwashed by “intelligence”)!


There is a quote that is chronically misattributed by Međugorje pilgrimeers (and by no one else) that claims while offering no source (to be fair, there isn’t one) that 17th-century Pope Urban VIII made the anachronistic (because Mormonistic) declaration that:

In cases which concern private revelations, it is better to believe than to not believe, for if you believe, and it is proven true, you will be happy that you have believed, because our Holy Mother asked it. If you believe, and it should be proven false, you will receive all blessings as if it had been true, because you believed it to be true.

Not Pope Urban VIII

Although it is inconceivable that any pope of Rome would ever say anything even remotely similar to this, the effect that it has, just like the heretical statements that the tweens and teens of Međugorje blasphemously ascribe to the Blessed Virgin Mary, is to pivot so nimbly from a Catholic and discerning modality into an abjectly wisdom-free “Mormonized” paradigm as a farmer’s enemy might plants weeds in the farmer’s wheat field in the hopes of ultimately draining the whole deposit of faith by means of unchecked mysticism, which as John Henry Cardinal Newman put it “begins in mist and ends in schism”. How can this be anything save the long-term agenda of Big Tyranny?

To just repeat a paragraph from above, According to Catholic Church teaching, if you don’t believe in Fátima you are still eligible for heaven, but if you believe in Međugorje then you can in no wise be eligible for heaven, again always assuming that Church teachings mean anything. Hence it is always better to err on the side of caution, albeit with love.

Context: it’s a huge thing with promoters of Međugorje and likewise of Maria Valtorta that they spout fake saint and pope quotes left right and center. They’re completely unhinged quite apart from being un-Christian in every possible sense of the word.

To give you some idea, this utterly bizarre and effortlessly debunked misattribution is quoted as if genuine in the following Međugorje franchisees:


  • * Međugorjean “Christian formation” 🤮 has the strength that it is presented in a format that is organic, feminine one might say. It may borrow its style from G.K. Chesterton. (After all, that was good enough for Gandhi!)
  • ** The Church’s involvement with Međugorje is, by all top clergy statements, purely for recruitment (“evangelization” and “vocations”) opportunities since Međugorje sort of jolts life into the now rapidly outmoded “Spirit of Vatican II” (or rather of the KGB).
  • *** The implied creed in the “Spirit of Vatican II” cult (word to the wisest) is that everybody is already catholic whether they know it or not, similar to how the implied creed of the Jesuit is Nestorianism.
  • **** One finds in our society that those who lie most effectively in behalf of the shadowy oligarchy are generally surrounded by more comforts, luxury and social status symbols than frankly most of us have ever even dreamed of. And of course it’s only fair, especially when you take into account their ever-dimming prospects for the afterlife.
  • ***** Entire quote: June 21, 1983: The Virgin states: “Tell the Father Bishop [Žanić] that I request his urgent conversion to the events of the Međugorje parish…I am sending him the penultimate warning. If he is not converted, or will not be converted, my judgment as well as that of my Son Jesus WILL STRIKE HIM [generally interpreted {including by poor simple Michael Voris} as meaning hellfire though it’s unclear and sounds like a chillingly standard mafia threat]” (purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionist (ecclesially classed as a private revelator) Ivanka Ivanković writing to Bishop Žanić). QUEEN OF PEACE INDEED!
  • ◄01► Mormons apparently lately prefer to be called Latter-day Saints or LDS (whence Mormonism would be LDSism or something like that). Now by means of a brief intro to Mormonism, just to put a check on all the good press Big Tech seems inclined to give them (probably because both are three-letter–agency projects and because of that whole money thing) and without going down any rabbit holes of all the “coincidences” linking Mormonism to classical (pagan) Greek mythology, European monastic feudalism, Capt. James Kidd, the old grimoires and other light reading that was so popular in Smith’s social environment (not to mention the in-your-face plagiarisms of the King James Bible found within the Book of Mormon; the total lack of evidence in support of an American Judaism prior to Leif Erikson or even Christopher Columbus such as we find described in the Book of Mormon; Mormonism’s inseparability from violent jihadism [ordered both indirectly through their founding prophet’s more morbid “prophesyings” and directly through Mormonism’s blood atonement laws and executed by its so-called Danites (variously nicknamed Avenging Angels, Punishing Angels, and Destroying Angels, with the last perhaps being the most accurate since they kill people)}]; the waning White supremacism and male chauvinism, the almost comical assortment of grammatical errors; in short the inbred [and vaguely alchemistic] hive-psychosis), central to the Mormon ideology (which though initially absurdist represents perhaps the most thoroughgoing offensive so far against the Vatican, the Cross, much of the Bible, and all other historically or even scripturally Jesus-related symbols [apart from the name Jesus Christ to which for whatever reason they adhere as a rancher sticks to the same cattle brand, almost as if they are self-consciously anti-pope first and then maybe sort of into “Jesus” as they completely redefine him second {redefine him almost more rabidly institutionally (where it’s clearly more about finding the best “scriptures” or “church” than finding Jesus) and patriarchally (only adult males run the risk of perdition, and only these may rack up the office or status to then elevate women, children, and other animals) than Catholicism does, supposing that such a thing were even possible}]) is the concept of a heavenly father (there is no creating, supreme, nor much less absolute God in Mormonism [only procreating, invading, and superior gods over the earth, the moon, and so forth], meaning that Mormonism is ideologically henotheistic rather than monotheistic [whether in a unitarian or trinitarian subtheology]) that progresses or processes, this doctrine perhaps representing an attempt by Mormon prophets (themselves always men proven to be gifted at turning a profit) to transcend the forever sort of kaleidoscoping plurality of religious ideologies, an angst that is by Mormon missionaries ascribed (scripted) to a teen-aged Joseph Smith. And so it is that in Mormonism not only may the European adult male homo sapiens (later any adult male homo sapiens), by fruitfully multiplying as much as possible, become his own god with his own planets (or moon), but indeed and underlying this between man and angel or between angel and god there is no qualitative difference and no distinction of nature (crucially they all have bodies of flesh), the differences residing only in the cosmic status one has secured through tireless reproduction and related busywork and perhaps a distinction of one’s degree of wisdom. Now granting Joseph Smith the full benefit of the doubt (and ignoring for the moment that whole pagan fertility cult vibe [see the Salamander Letter]), this arguably unstable, insatiable, evolving, Zeusian sort of “deity template” of the Mormons could be argued to be borne of again a quite natural (quite youthful) aspiration for external and ideological unity (here meaning “uniformity”) among churches but tragically reading the available data through a lens that is drastically darkened by the let’s say the morbidly debased thought patterns that are human nature’s revenge on the mind of the power-drunk end-times con artist and as a result pathologically carnal, concrete and circular rather than spiritual, abstract or critical and ultimately going all in on incoherence and secrecy in preaching what amounts to another gospel or “testament” dedicated to the worship not of the Creator but of a successful occupier of Planet Earth that is the father whom Earth’s Mormons invoke in their secret temple rituals but that is ordinarily thought by Christians (as well as by monotheists generally, including other Arians [no, not Aryans] such as Muslims and Jehovah’s Witnesses) to be Satan more so than God, and Mormons’ willingness to recognize divorce from non-Mormons against Jesus’s clearly and eloquently expressed commandment really seems to be going out of its way to give us all this antinomian/Antichrist impression of Mormonism. (Now let’s in all fairness acknowledge that the “con artist” charge could be leveled at almost any religious minister, but they simply don’t all go as far as a Sabbatai Zevi, a Joseph Smith, a Grigori Rasputin, an Aleister Crowley, an Anton Levy, or a Tomislav Vlašić. And please note [a] that everything I’ve said about the Mormon ideology is on their end “subject to change without notice” and could indeed be completely transfigured as early as tomorrow should their current president-prophet suddenly feel his oats and [b] that given the current social upheaval in the Salt Lake Temple territory it very well may, so stay tuned!) Now then, are Mormons Christians? Are Mormons Americans? Well as a simple test ask yourself this: Do Mormons proclaim and live the Gospel that has been handed down from Jesus? Do Mormons promote and enforce the Constitution? In other words do Mormons actively love their neighbor as themselves while respecting said neighbor’s both self-evident and God-given right to full personal freedom of say religion or of the press? If not then no. And don’t tell yourself that knowing this is some sin or crime, since quite to the contrary their rights end where ours begin. Now you can join whatever club you want to, but if your group pays lip-service to “agency” while harassing me or my friends, I will not be mute about you. That’s about all.
  • ◄02► Just in case it wasn’t already perfectly clear, God is Three but that doesn’t mean he has to do everything in threes, least of all by man’s sense of timing!
  • ◄03► Who after all loves money as much as any friar does, and don’t forget to buy his book and watch his video linked below.
  • ◄04► This awakening occurs generally though not necessarily in that process which we vain fools call “death” which of course Jesus transforms into the best friend of the true disciple.
  • ◄05► Especially if, for whatever flimsy excuse, we aren’t cloistered Teresian Carmelites (this blogger is not, but if you must be a loyal Catholic then you must at minimum be a Carmelite, just saying): “Carmel teaches the Church how to pray” (Pope Benedict XVI). “There is no member of the Church who does not owe something to Carmel” (Thomas Merton).
  • ◄06► Sanctioned by Pope Paul VI in 1975 and sneakily disobedient, insular, paranoid, divisive and Antichrist (meaning that they subtly present the faithful with an alternative or parallel savior) ever since. Francis Michael Duff, LOM, founder of the Legion of Mary, wrote in a letter to Rev. Hugh Thwaites, SJ, that “The Charismatic Renewal movement is one of the most dangerous things in the Church today”. Like Pentecostals, who are their Protestant elder brethren, Catholic Charismatic Renewers generally feel that if you don’t have the “baptism in the Holy Spirit” then you’re damned and if you don’t speak in “tongues” then you’re sort of an abortion of a Christian. In other words they appear to be Corinthian sectarians more than being “of Christ” in any serious way. Non-OFM groups that are “Catholic Charismatic Renewed” in this Catholic sense of the word include the late Rev. Benedict Groeschel and his CFR (Franciscan Friars of the Renewal) who stock quite the repertoire of scientific mind control and other human experimentation tactics with status quo attitudes, both of which frequently cross the line into abusiveness or downplaying the severity thereof for which Rev. Groeschel as well as Abp. Henryk Hoser really carved out a name for themselves.
  • ◄07► Though apparently wholly forsaking the classical “three days of darkness” and other signatures of the end-times “certainties” of their Latin Mass–going counterparts.
  • ◄08► Catholics are never compelled on pain of hellfire to believe any alleged Marian apparitions, which are often eschatological in content.
  • ◄09► “Vocations” as we rather cynically label them.
  • ◄10► The same CIA that supplied Jerry Garcia and the “Deadheads” with copious amounts of LSD, some of whose addicts this blogger has seen in person, living out their existence mumbling platitudes and being exploited by the landowners who rule the roost in the so-called “Rainbow Family”. Another very American phenomenon, completely intel-controlled.
  • ◄11► Communism’s successor authoritarians had long since rather visibly if quietly made their peace with race realism and implemented ethnostatist fascism.
  • ◄12► This blogger will uniformly call them purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) though they are sometimes referred to, especially within the cult (particularly by its CIA handlers perhaps), as seers, visionaries or simply children (actually tweens and teens at their youngest) possibly revelators, messengers or prophets too!
  • ◄13► Međugorje, Cyrillically transliterated Међугорје, is under the Diocese of Mostar-Duvno. (This becomes hugely important later touching both on issues of obedience to the corresponding bishop and indeed fidelity to their pope) and is also within the modern-day state of Bosnia and Herzegovina (henceforth B&H).
  • ◄14► Drugs that Mirjana Dragičević (Soldo) possibly brought in from Sarajevo (the national capital of B&H and birthplace of WWI).
  • ◄15► Note that of all six purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) not a one has managed a “religious vocation” to become a monk, nun, friar, sister or priest but they live today as “religious superstars” owning local tourism-related businesses in Međugorje (the clearest imabinable appearance of a conflict of interest) living all kinds of celebrity-type lifestyles, and at one point the naughty OFM pilgrimeers who owed their profits to the also naughty “children” (actually tweens and teens at their youngest so more honestly termed adolescents) began to distance themselves from the alleged but so consistently inconsistent and dissatisfying purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators), even as these same friars had long before (in a fit of irony which E. Michael Jones calls out in a quote above) severed themselves from the Church’s rules and authority to whom they presumably owe their we must point out severely jeopardized hope for final and eternal redemption.
  • ◄16► Podbrdo Hill not to be confused with Crnica Hill a.k.a. “Apparition Hill” in the hamlet of Bijakovići nor with Križevac or Cross Mountain.
  • ◄17► Think Pharaoh’s priests duplicating the miracles YHWH worked through Moses.
  • ◄18► Note that the ceremony of organized crime is patterned after the ritual of Catholic religion and hierarchy, which may help explain why subliminally the Franciscans’ partnership with organized crime may be said to substitute for submission to Holy Mother Church.
  • ◄19► “Politicizing the Virgin Mary: The Instance of the Madonna of Medjugorje” in Skeptical Inquirer, 8 February 2015.
  • ◄20► Sneering-lipped Vicka Ivanković (Mijatović) is the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionist (ecclesially classed as a private revelator) whose “apparition diary” (allegedly, like Ivan [Dragičević]’s, containing the Blessed Virgin Mary’s earthly life story though admittedly partially written by Vicka’s younger sister Ivanka) when investigated together with the Chronicle was found not only to be anachronistic as were Vlašić’s Chronicle but also partially forged presumably by Vlašić.
  • ◄21► Which I guess also supposedly excused the OFM priests’ flagrant disobedience by MeđugorjeLogic™◄29►?
  • ◄22► Apparently Thelema-themed?
  • ◄23► “Speeded up”: note the same cultishly chronic misspelling in Jezebel-dominated (wife actually of Belgian stock) purported Jesuan (more like Jesuit) inner locutionist-apparitionary, chronic necromancer, and self-hailed “prophet” John Leary (likely schizoid Međugorje franchisee, semi-Dispensationalist blarney McProphet, pope of the Eternal Father Prayer Group, cartoonish Vatican II cult leader, devotee of “the curiously female-sexed angel whose name curiously doesn’t end in el” [succubus] Meridia [no not Moroni: think Meridiana], promoter of Camp Chef™ products, “crypto-schismatic” author who churns out volumes still published under the nicely aging title Prepare for the Great Tribulation and the Era of Peace, who like the Medjugorje “seers” has no known spiritual director, advisor or Church liaison [others include the disobedient self-styled abbot and exorcist {again weirdly not anonymous} Michel Rodrigue] and unabashed devotee of the “angel-saint” Meridia, see the succubus [i.e. horned/horny demoness] Meridiana’s interminable Vlašić-ese. (Note: Our Lady of Lourdes appeared at high noon or meridia.) The blasphemous “Saint Meridia” [always pronounced Merijia for some strange reason] is accompanied by a who’s-who of Phariseo-Masonic mad- and conmen, notably Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Joseph Smith, really any Antichrist figure finds a home in the Learyite Pantheon. [A Robert “Bob” George, PhD, a regular at the Leary-hosted Eternal Father Prayer Group who often plies the “liquid dish” at potluck meals, is an open homosexual, promotes the sainthood of Joseph Smith and these other key WASP and more recently pseudo-Catholic shills for the Freemasonic-Communist-Zionist {and quite frankly Jesuit} agenda to include Joe Biden, and “Doctor Bob” is given to discussing Jerusalem as the “true headquarters” of the Church in the End Times, and all of this also very much out in the open and while using John Leary’s own purported prophecies as flimsy justification. {Other groups “Doctor Bob” infiltrates include Pax Christi Rochester, led by Harry Murray, a sociologist-anthropologist at Nazareth College.} This blogger never once heard Dr George receive rebuke of any kind by anyone at the Prayer Group whereas yours truly {for the sin of being poor apparently} has been diabolically gossipped on, prophecised against by Carol’s “special friend” Frank Campione lectured for his “overthinking” by Carol Leary and his “failure to be conservative enough” by Al Francione. {Oh and “Doctor Bob” has bragged to this blogger about how tight he is with Carol, which is again just so clearly the key to being able to do and say whatever you want in these circles. Get the picture?} Anyone who reads my blogs can well imagine from our conversations these slanders are all due to my insisting on the {actual} Gospel. The Eternal Father Prayer Group isn’t just a vaguely adulterous clique. It’s much, much, much more than that.] And as per usual with Americanist heretics, Ignatius of Loyola is de facto elevated from saint to Doctor of the Church. In short, it’s a Charismatic festival of sacrilege. An interesting fact is that Jesus is supposed to have told John to attend the Tridentine Mass but then his extremely pushy Belgium-descended wife Carol Protested that the messages were supposed to coincide with the readings of the Novus Ordinary Form. It was as if her hold over him was broken by the Ancient Christian Liturgy. How telling! (Word to the wise: Međugorje devotional circles are crawling with absolutely psychotic and insatiable dominatrices.)
  • ◄24► Medge-heads exhibit just this amazing legacy of vandalism and violence to a genocidal extreme (though interestingly Judai$m [Talmudism rather] never finds itself in their cross hairs), probably because they’re a fascist mafia as all the local Serbs (largely Eastern Orthodox Christian and using the Cyrillic alphabet, contrasted with the Croats’ Catholic form of Christianity and Latin alphabet) and Muslims know only too well.
  • ◄25► The kidnapping prompted a UN intervention. Wikipedia (which does have an approval process contrary to smug tenured tropes) refers to the incident as the final stage of the so-called Herzegovina Affair: “On 2 April 1995, Bishop Ratko, along with his secretary, was abducted and beaten by members of a Croat separatist militia at a local [OFM] chapel. They were held for eight hours until rescued by UN peacekeepers and the Mayor of Mostar. The abduction was retaliation for Perić’s intention to replace the [OFMs] with diocesan priests in several parishes as well because of his criticism of the unconfirmed Marian apparitions, mother of Jesus in Medjugorje. He was released only after the intervention from the Mayor of Mostar and UNPROFOR [i.e. the UN Protection Force]”.
  • ◄26► This blogger is still searching for an exact quote (whether within the alleged apparition-locution (ecclesially classed as a private revelation) or in a 1980s-or-sooner grimoire or occult manual) or a date for the red-flag alleged apparition-locution (ecclesially classed as a private revelation) mentioned above (mentioned without sources by the scholarly but also tenacious E. Michael Jones) or the date of the conclusion of the local bishop’s commission. Any source or context for this will me of utmost benefit to the cause of upsetting what is clearly an elaborate system of falsehood and wrongness behind the Međugorje devotions.
  • ◄27► Term deep state used advisedly and non-Trumpianly.
  • ◄28► The Luciferian-Enlightened™◄29► Solomon of Catholicism?
  • ◄29► Not a real trademark to this blogger’s knowledge.
  • ◄30► The Blessed Virgin Mary or the Gospa as the initially tween- and teen-aged adolescent “children” generally call her, which is Croatian for “Lady”.
  • ◄31► The OFM certainly flexed its muscles in the Lourdes–Immaculate Conception push of the nineteenth century at which time the now “infallible dogma” (pushed by the same pope who pushed papal infallibility, tellingly) was a matter of controversy and certainly not one of sensus ecclesiæ (see Saint Thomas Aquinas, another Doctor of the Church). Međugorje looks like another desperate con job by Franciscans in this case to force the (optically opposite) Second Council of the Vatican, its doublespeak language (see Hutton Gibson), its spirit (i.e. that of appealing to the most Liberal Protestant and the most Liberation ex-Franciscan [referring to Leonardo Boff]), to stick even now as the Council’s lack popular reception reaches a tipping point, even now as the current Jesuit pope pushes the envelope to even further reveal the at this point grotesque radicalism of its true nature.
  • ◄32► Similar also to the Legion of Christ (Cotija, United States of Mexico) and Saint Irenæus Ministries (Rochester, New York, USA), the former indulging, like the purported Marian inner apparitionary-locutionists (ecclesially classed as private revelators) in Međugorje, in bashing bishops and in sneaking around the Church authorities, forever sneaking and lying, sneaking and lying, sneaking and lying, until they finally go to hell.
  • ◄33► Jesuits have their own style of herding the sheeple that differs from the Franciscans which they view as their beta version.
  • ◄34► For that matter, these “no-nonsense exorcists” (lack of anonymity still and forever weird) won’t bite the hand that feeds them by denouncing or delivering the manifestly (Pachamama) idolatrous Vatican itself, for it’s difficult to say whether today’s Međugorje or today’s Rome is more of a slap in the face to the name of Francis, to say nothing of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Previous working titles for this blog:
– Međugorje: fool’s gold for desperate Catholics…or worse?
– The Church of Međugorje
– Međugorje unveiled
– Međugorje: the case for caution
– Laying Međugorje to rest
– Međugorje’s demons
– Međugorje: clearing muddied waters
– Međugorje: playing devil’s advocate
– Međugorje: facts and insights
– Međugorje: the definitive discernment aid
– Međugorje: a popular chronicling
– Međugorje: understanding the objections
– Međugorje: a thoughtful overview
– Discerning Međugorje
– Međugorje and the New World Faith
– The facts about Međugorje—and about the Catholic Church
– Correcting the record on Međugorje—and on the Catholic Church
– “Lies, damned lies, and Međugorje”
– Discerning Međugorje
– Međugorje and the Church: “the penny tour and catechism”
– Međugorje and the church basement from hell
– We need to talk about Međugorje
– Međugorje: Catholics beware!
– Međugorje: never say I didn’t warn you
– Me-Django-Rje Unchained?
– Međugorje: quicksand for Catholics

“The numerous absurd messages, lies, faleshoods, and disobedience associated from the beginning with the events and ‘apparitions’ of Medjugorje all refute every claim of authenticity” (Bp Ratko Perić, Bishop of Mostar)

Blessings to you all from John McGuire, Public Intelligence Asset

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