Behind Trump’s throne: who will rule if he wins?

Sketch by Val Bochkov depicting the Chasidic (“Hasidic”) Chabadnik and Zionist Chaim Tzvi Schneerson (at the time the hotly contested and inbreeding [see bottom] Lubavitcher rebbe [sort of a bishop in Jewish Pietism] was a Shmuel Schneersohn) pitching his sect’s project to then President Ulysses S. Grant (né Hiram Ulysses Grant) who is the only U.S. president to have signed into law legislation strategically targeting (Confederacy) Jews as a group for Union power consolidation. One notable historical pattern in Chabadniks and Zionists alike is that they seem rather chronically drawn to authoritarians and élites who are prone to attempt to get a handle on Jewish populations (such men as czars, Putins, Netanyahus, etc.) and not merely toward influential ethnic Ashkenazim (whom alone however they will groom for inner circle status).

Disclaimer: this blog post is not intended to tell anyone who they should vote for or to compare candidates but only to observe what may be in store for our national security so that We the People can all take appropriate precautions. (!)

Suggested titles: 4Eva Perón, Potus Maximus…

Given that Donald John Trump (Antichrist-adjacent?) appears to be flat broke yet reelectable, given furthermore that he is an avowed Jewish nationalist (“political Zionist”), and given furthermore that he is a sympathizer with the also radical ethnoreligious group Chabad-Lubavitch (that is those guys who were involved in an unauthorized and disruptive tunnel dig in Brooklyn, N.Y., a few months ago, a story that broke thanks to litigation by Chabad’s [way] less Zionist-sympathizing rivals the Satmar), it may be time we just took a breath, took a giant step back, and asked ourselves what we actually know about the bloodline-driven group that may well be running the White House in a streamlined way come 2025. (The media keeps mindlessly referring to Chabadniks as “Orthodox Jews” even though their beliefs are so pantheistic, reincarnational, occultly numerological, so incomprehensibly neglectful of Sukkot and the duty to prosyletize into full kosher observance [and their ancestry so Slavic] that I would propose we simply call them “fringe-Jewish” instead.)

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
Kushner looms large over Trump’s key presidential duties, but he’s not like Trump’s handler or anything 😉

The Chasidic (“Hasidic”—no, not acidic) movement, which had been sparked 😉 in the eleventh century in Germany (“Ashkenaz”), really got blazing in the eighteenth century in Poland and Ukraine (all Poland at that time) and represented a “spiritual revival” (per Wikipedia) but also really a sharp departure from Rabbinical Judaism’s strict restrictions on the study of the Qabbalah (“Kabbalah”) and from conventional Judaism’s wait-upon-the-Lord tone (as opposed to POLITICAL “MOSHIACH NOW!”). Chabad out of Russia/Poland accounts for 13% of Chasidic (“Hasidic”) Jews and is outnumbered by the “fiercely anti-Zionist” (again per Wikipedia) Satmar out of Hungary/Romania/Transylvania, which is way closer to the Middle-East than Northeastern Europe is. Both Chabad and Satmar moved their world headquarters from Europe to New York in the 1940s. (As you may have already deduced neither group’s ethnic or ancestral identity traces back to any of the Twelve Tribes of Israel [some claim Titus Caesar’s legions destroyed those genealogical records together with Cyrus’s Temple, but note the very real DNA issues in play here too], making both groups’ lack of claim to the Holy Land arguably one of the most honest things about them.) Chabad, perhaps not coincidentally, was founded in Russia in 1775 just two years after the Jesuits (functionally Catholicism’s spy agency and generally suspected by Rome of being too Jewish-leaning [see Decree de genere {1593}]) were exiled from Catholic countries (Dominus ac Redemptor, 1773). Jesuit founder Íñigo de Loyola came from a rather seedy family and had an apparently vivid fetish for what he weirdly termed “Jewish lineage”. 😵‍💫

Here is just one reason why Mr Jared Kushner should maybe never have been given top secret security clearance: David Knight unloads on QAnon.

(A couple key terms. Firstly Chasidic [“Hasidic”] derives from the Hebrew for “Pietist”, and Pietism broadly speaking is a reaction against the Enlightenment that reads scripture from an esoteric or mystical perspective [for Lutheran Christian Pietism in the 18th century see Emanuel Swedenborg, and note that Pietists made a lot of prophecies affecting Jews and served as ideological forebears to a lot of Evangelical Zionists and Dispensationalist hyper-Zionists {i.e. covert anti-Semites}]. The Chasidim [“Hasidim”] should not be confused with the [deliberately and thoroughly] Torah-transgressing [and obsessively Zionist] Sabbatean Frankists [a prime example of anti-Judaism {where Judaism means “observance of the Law of Moses”}, proto-Zionism, and rampant apostasy/cryptoism all disguised as Judaism] even though both movements incorporated aspects of Christianity and both arose in Poland in the 18th century. And secondly the term Chabad [like Tenakh in fact] is an acronym, standing for “Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge”, these being the Qabbalistic [“Kabbalistic”] Tree of Life [a kind of “Judaist’s pantheon”]’s first three sephirot [uppermost three spheres {apart from the frequently omitted Crown or Will sephira (sphere)}, with the lowermost triad consisting of “Kingdom”, “Power”/“Victory”, and “Glory”/“Splendor” all surrounding “Foundation” which actually seems to have inspired Christianity’s earliest Trinity graphic which is hardly surprising since there is little daylight between Hebrew mysticism, Western Hinduism, and Gnosticism, all incubated at the Great Library of Alexandria. {We can pardon Alexandria for being Gnostic on the plea that they had access to the extrabiblical manuscripts that Jesus certainly appear to have known about}]. To the best of our knowledge the vast majority of Hasidic Jews are either anti-Zionist or non-Zionist [again points for logical consistency], and this admirably in the face of profuse use of the Zoharic number six million in [Zionist] “Jewish”-run press from around the dawn of the twentieth century in an apparent effort by [Ashkenazi] Jewish nationalists, who were also at that time sorcerizing America’s ostensibly Christian seminarians and stuffing their bookshelves full of Scofield “Reference Bibles”, to flip the Chasidim [“Hasidim”] Zionist. Needless to say that, had American Christians been as faithful to their beliefs as Satmar Chasidim have been to theirs, we probably wouldn’t be at this moment funding our third or fourth genocidal campaign in United States history. And yet we have to wonder why secular [or “Helenistic”] Jews work so hard to propagandize Chasidic [“Hasidic”] Jews unless perhaps godlessness [Darwinism, Big Bang, etc.] somehow finds its roots and/or its deeper conviction within the terms of occultism [emanationism, immanentism, humanism, etc.]?)

Qabbalistic (“Kabbalistic”) Sephirot (or spheres, commonly referred to as the Tree of Life when arranged in this staggered format).
Source:; scroll down for another Tree of Life.

It is worth noting that in their official answers to questions concerning the tunnel scandal at their Brooklyn world headquarters Chabad has implausibly laid all the blame at the feet of some alleged young, green (inbred?) Israeli students, similar to how a handful from the previous generation of young, green Israeli students had indeed been made patsies in connection to the 9/11/2001 tragedy (allegedly planting the nanothermite in WTC towers 1 and 2 [mirroring Auschwitz 1 and 2?], purportedly having been sent to film the attacks/demolition, and so forth). This establishes, among other things, a clear pattern of Jewish exceptionalists showing a lack of respect for the structural integrity of New York’s skyline and always being ready to ship their dazed scapegoats off to Israel with no further questions asked, similar to the many sex offenders whom Israel sacredly refuses to extradite. (Remember that this is the same “Israel” that will grant the right of return to an atheist but not to a Christian Jew.) It is further worth noting that we have no clear, credible explanation that would account for what was witnessed and found in and around this tunnel and that most early reports stated that their “radicalized/desperate youths” were attempting to access a mikveh which Jewish journalist Russell Dobular defines as a (women’s) ritual post-menstrual bathing font. Our government knows how heavily it relies on members and frequenters of such cults as Chabad and the “Jewish State” and how severe the backlash could be if public officials were ever to bring our laws (both federal and international) to bear on them, but at what point do we cease to be a credible nation and become instead a vassal state to the investor class and to those organizations like Chabad to which major world lenders are patiently lured into showing a kind of blindly nostalgic favoritism?

Russell Dobular presenting the cartoonish nature of “Chabad HQ” in Brooklyn, N.Y.

Now going back to Trump’s 2017 inauguration, our then new president attempted to exalt his (Chabadnik) son-in-law Jared Kushner with the innovative title of Assistant President of the United States of America then succeeded in granting Mr Kushner top secret security clearance, going on to crown this hard-fought victory by nominating Avril Haines who would ultimately be approved as Director of National Security (not to be confused with the NSA). All of this despite Mr Kushner’s at best checkered family history as well as his radical and potentially compromising affiliations (reminiscent of, in the case of Israel, the appointment to the post of Israeli Minister of National Security of that idolizer of the suicidal terrorist Baruch Goldstein, Itamar Ben-Gvir).

The Seventh and last Lubavitcher Rebbe (sort of a bishop in Pietistic Judaism), Menachem Mendel Schneerson,
a once messianic then devastatingly disappointing figure within Chabadnik circles

Now again the media are quick to categorize Chabad-Lubavitch as “Orthodox Jewish” or even “ultra-Orthodox Jewish”, but despite the arguably kosher traditions and the black outer garments (itself a thing as European [rather than Middle-Eastern] as Zionism itself), because they are a Chasidic (“Hasidic”) dynasty (yes that’s literally what they call themselves), therefore unlike true Haredi Jews they do openly promote Qabbalah (“Kabbalah”), profess that the world is a divine emanation (basically a mystical evolution) rather than the creation of an almighty God, teach reincarnation rather than an end-of-life departure from Earth’s physical surface, and push occult numerology (“gematria” not to be confused with geometry or mathematics or any sound, disciplined, or left-brained school subject), making Chabad, in its decidedly un-orthodox take on the Torah (i.e. of Genesis, etc.), uniquely esoteric rather than exoteric—more pantheistic than monotheistic. (Even when we view it through more dry, academic, or abstract terms the contrast between Biblical faith and Qabbalistic occultism remains just as stark: Hasidism presupposes a Modernist worldview which formally denies or demotes not simply God but conceptually the entire realm of the transcendent, the supernatural, the spiritual, the mystical, the creative.) Chasidic (“Hasidic”) Judaism is obsessed with the occult or esoteric practice of numerology (“gematria”) and relatedly with that which Jesus condemns as the idolatry of Mammon (“blessings”) which he says is irreconcilable with what he calls the Great Commandment (that is the one that begins, in the Hebrew, “Shemá Yisrael”), that is to say the love of (transcendent) God, and which disordered/inverted love the Apostle Paul calls “the root of all evil”. So if it seems soulless that’s because it is—and that by design! And, unlike actually orthodox Jews (Haredim for instance), Chabadnik rabbis encourage their followers (whom they don’t seem to teach very many real-world skills thus ensuring that they will always be dependent on them, trapped as it were in a kind of invisible ghetto) to join the Israeli military (that is to say Israel’s so-called “defense forces” even though Likud’s rhetoric, actions, and policies have of course been anything but oriented toward the defense of Israeli lives but rather above all toward securing complete control over their perceptions and thoughts). The picture this blogger gets is of a whole group of human beings (our own Jewish-American neighbors if not relatives!) held hostage by an all-pervasive unification of church and state (or rather synagogue and state) and race—ostensibly a “uni-institution” or if you will a Borg! Is this the kind of “dynastic” dynamic that sets the tone for a free and secure people—even leaving aside the two-tier racial ideology that relegates most United States Citizens to a second- or third-class status? And again at the end of the day there is no such thing as a serious denial (pilpul and witchery notwithstanding) of the fact that Chabad is, theologically speaking, formally and manifestly pagan, modernist, heretical, anathema, and baldly engineered with the sole purpose of derailing the Faith of Abraham and Moses just as much as that of Jesus: in a word, Chasidism amounts to spiritual terrorism. Also please note that though mainstream Western culture has a tendency to associate the doctrine of reincarnation with a more organic ethos and a perhaps wiser, less violent society (which may or may not be the case within some schools of Buddhism) the reality that plagues the reputation of Mahatma Gandhi is that the Bahavad Gita which he promoted not only uses reincarnation as a justification for killing one’s own family but that’s literally its opening text. Similarly we hear rhetoric from some rather vocal Chasidic (“Hasidic”) rabbis that it is a mercy to kill the goy so that he can level up to a more exalted being, i.e. a Jew. Now I hardly need tell anybody that none of this can be called acceptable, much less holy (that is to say this use of reincarnation as a justification for genocide), and yet our obsession with debunking “anti-Semitic blood libel” coupled with our equally obsessive abomination of devotees of “Kali Ma” in India all reads like White supremacy with more steps.

What has the Jewish Qabbalah got to do with my life? So it has been noted by the most able job coaches that to proclaim one’s religious faith on one’s résumé is career suicide—unless that faith be Judaism. And similarly the Qabbalah (which even aside from the vast affluence and influence of modern Judaism has been the occult core of Western society wherefore explicitly embraced within the Freemasonry that was and the Chabad that is) has lent its colorful terminology (one desperately hopes not also its biases) to our otherwise dry and unimaginative sciences. Fun buzzwords that have become assumptions, principles, and dogmas within not a few low-level scientific circles such as Big Bang, evolution, and spacetime (i.e. this numerology-based daydream of time as a hypothetical fourth dimension despite the lack of evidence for reverse time travel that would be analogous to how one move [to and fro] in the three [theoretical] dimensions of space) beg far more questions than they answer, but let anyone just once lend her or his voice to those questions and they’ll be verbally abused then artfully excluded from an ostensibly thought-driven or inquiry-loving community. (Albert Einstein married his cousin on both sides, that is genetically his sister, making him apparently an attempted inbreeder which some might call odd in so recognizable an “enlightened mystic of the physical sciences” if not the very face of science itself in our day. [Note: Not all Freemasons celebrated Einstein with equal fervor, and Manly P. Hall essentially blamed the evils of the atomic bomb on Einstein’s according to Hall {quack!} impure spirit.]) Unless you support the notion that God is the egg from which hatched everything, unless you profess your faith in that “one free miracle” as Rupert Sheldrake characterized the Big Bang theory, unless you basically allow the new élite to have their pacifier, then you are not part of the program, you are not a Noahide, and you are an unrighteous gentile, simple as that.

Russell Dobular having been wheedled into doing the “Borg dance” at “Chabad HQ” in Brooklyn
(this was years prior to the tunnel scandal)

It must be noted here that Chabaniks, though often Israeli militants and certainly messiah-driven (in a Christian framework this would be a false messiah or Antichrist), are not ideologically “political Zionists” as such. Chabadniks are, it is true, racial supremacists who are chiefly preoccupied with sort of courting/using secularized ethno-Jews, and Chabadniks do in a secondary sense have a plan for all non-Jews which is codified in the Talmudic concept of Noahide Law (championed by such Noahides [second-class Jews?] as the actor Jon Voight [father of actor Angelina Jolie]) and Dennis Prager. Chabad in this sense brings up concerns similar to those raised by Scientology (and indeed by Islam): they are specially structured to puppeteer the governments of the nations through blackmail (rather than merely continue to indirectly influence them through economics), and it isn’t all that much of a stretch to say that they are actively occupying some key United States bureaucratic positions. So would Noahide Law then be what is meant by “Jewish outreach” in a Chabadnik context? (Pay attention: per certain Rabbis, who have referred to Islam as “Israel’s broom”, compliance with Sharia Law fully satisfies the requirements of Noahide Law, while it isn’t clear whether or not for example Roman Catholic Christianity’s [all kinds of problematic] Eucharistic Theology does. A sound rule of thumb for decoding all of this is that theology is always politics in disguise, whether those politics are occulted within its content, phraseology, or other cryptic subtext, and the clergy always think of theology as egoistic or political rather than as altruistic or solemn though this is the “simpler” level on which they require their congregants to understand it so they can blindly function as break troops on behalf of the real power players.)

“We don’t do that in America,” said the cop,
apparently attempting to explain to some Russians how the tunnel is viewed stateside.

So it appears to be with good reason that Chabad is regarded as a cult in many Jewish circles, and its idiosyncratic or almost parody image is portrayed on screen in Pi (1998, see bottom of post).

A reputedly Hermetic-Qabbalistic Tree of Life.
(The Hermetic Qabbalah is older than the Lurianic one which is associated with Yitzchak [“Isaac”] Luria whose death at around the age of forty has apparently been used by [actually orthodox such as Haredi] rabbis to justify forbidding it to those under said age.)

And apart from being radical, wealthy, and naïvely unknown to a spellbound public (like Freemasonry itself I daresay, also hugely Qabbalistic [“Kabbalistic”]), Chabad-Lubavitch was made even more volatile or desperate with the 1994 death of their Seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe (sort of a bishop in Pietistic Judaism, or a chief rabbi in normal Judaism), a Menachem Mendel Schneerson, at age 92, who refused both to deny that he was the Messiah and to appoint a successor (having fathered no children [perhaps a mercy given all the inbreeding?]), leaving them apparently interregnum for the past thirty years.

The dangers of inbreeding

As with all people in cults, rather than close your door to them, show them genuine kindness (which they’ve clearly never seen)!

Please aware however that even though Trump has not and will not be calling the practical shots he still has been and will likely continue to be the central figure of a robust (Qabbalistically built) cult of personality that promises to grab hold of many who have not explored the deeper questions of, as Peter Levenda terms it, American political witchcraft. (This shall we say “Team Trump dynamic” has actually been truer than a lot of people realize with central religious figures of the past.)

A diagonal (Chabad-style) menorah blinds drivers in an American county seat

And now please enjoy the following videos until they too are scrubbed from the Internet:

Rabbi blindly pushes immanentism, “scientism”
and then later on confesses to being trained in the “neo-Chasidic” tradition
Pastor Rick Wiles speculates that certain Freemasonic rituals performed under “Mt Zion”
may offer us a clue as to radical Zionism’s real “prophetic” underpinnings.
(Hint: Freemasonry is endemic in the US military.)
(Note: not all the inbreeding of Lubavitcher rebbes (sort of bishops in Pietistic Judaism) is shown in this genealogical chart)